Episode 3: The Alliance

Start from the beginning

He turns on the TV and starts flipping through channels when he sees a commercial.

"Hey, kids! Wanna be a hero like All Might? Then you need the new Super Deluxe Plus Ultra All Might with real villain-smashing action!"

The advertiser presses a button on the toy's back that makes it punch through a wall.

All Might Toy: I am here!

The commercial shows several kids playing with the toy, making it seem larger than life.

"Be a hero and save the day with the new Villain Smashing All Might! Available at a toy store near you! From Bandai!"


Izuku smiles as he hits the Omnitrix, transforming in a green flash of light. He transforms into a Kinnecelerin and rushes out of the house. He speeds downtown to the nearest toy store, seeing that it's only minutes away from opening.

XLR8: YES! First in line!

Just then, he hears an explosion go off in the distance. XLR8 looks behind him to see squad cars headed for the area.

XLR8: What's up?

He looks at the store one more time.

XLR8: I'm fast enough to make it there and back.

He drops his face mask and blasts off after the police cars.

Music Insert:

The scene then shifts to the robbery, where several bikers are blowing up pumps at a gas station. The whole scene has drawn a bit of a crowd, as police and civilians both crowd the area. Some civilians are locked up in the gas station store, trying to hide from the bikers.

 Some civilians are locked up in the gas station store, trying to hide from the bikers

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Rojo: Ha! This is like takin' candy from a baby! That all of 'em?

Biker 1: Money's secure, Boss!

Rojo: Then let's wrap things up here, fellas!

Just then, one of the Bikers is knocked away by an object moving faster than their eyes could see.

Biker 2: What was that? OOF!

One by one, the Bikers are all taken down by an unknown force. Rojo grits her teeth and loads her weapons.

Rojo: Hey! Hey, I don't want any trouble! Show yourself!

The unknown streak speeds by several more times before braking in front of the criminal, as she coughs up dust.

XLR8: Should have thought of that before you committed the crime.

Biker 3: What the hell is that?!

Rojo: Hahaha! Little early for Halloween dude, isn't it?

Rojo starts firing at the Kinnecerlin but he easily dodges all of the gunfire. XLR8 then speeds in behind Rojo, ramming her and knocking the guns out of her hands.

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