{45} Ghost Shit

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"Before I kill you, I'd like to see whose pretty little face isn't going to be so dashing when I'm done with you," I held my knife with one hand, whilst the other was gasping the ends of his mask.

Slowly, I began to lift it off.)


The mask had a lot of coverage, I could barely even see his eyes, not only that, it was made of a thick material

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The mask had a lot of coverage, I could barely even see his eyes, not only that, it was made of a thick material.
Which can be good, and bad.
It's good because it means it's more difficult to cut, but I quite clearly did a number on it with that vase.
And it's bad because you'd probably end up sweating like a pig under it.

I don't know how the heck he isn't.

I pulled the hem of the mask up tantalisingly slow.

First I saw his lips, and they look nice enough, I mean, I'd gladly kiss him, he's gorgeous so far.
Then I lifted it higher, his nose has clearly been broken a few times, but who hasn't got a broken nose these days?
I lifted the mask up and over his head and peered down at his face.

Those eyes.
I swear I remember them.

They were ocean blue like the water and could become as cold as ice in an instant.
An easy way to tell what he's feeling.

But where the hell do I remember him from?

Then realisation struck me hard in the face.
I remembered all of our shared nights together, the late night street racing, the mafia, everything.


I gasped, my grasp on Andrei loosened and he saw an opportunity.
He flipped me over, and now he was on top of me.
And I, still utterly gobsmacked, was just laying there rethinking my life.


Instant regret flashed through my eyes.
I bloody shot him in the legs.
That's one heck of a reunion.

"Before I kill you, I'd like to see whose pretty little face isn't going to be so gorgeous when I'm done with you," He grinned.

Did he just steal my line?
The audacity to even think about doing such a thing.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him.
This-this Andrei ghost impersonator thing can go to hell.
Or the afterlife- I don't know anymore!

He then lifted up the bottom of my mask just as slowly or perhaps even slower than what I had done to him.
Andrei lifted it over my lips and I watched as his own parted. He was probably thinking the same thing that I was thinking earlier.

With a slowly growing amount of speed, he then lifted up my mask to my nose, which like his has been broken several times, but unlike his, mine was always fixed the right way.
He grabbed my discarded knife that fell to the floor beside him, and brought it up to my chin, lightly pressing the tip against my face, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to hurt.

"Such a pretty little thing, devilishly smart, shame your life is going to end so quickly,' He tutted.

I tried to squirm out of his hold, but his grip on me was like iron, powerful and firm.

"Ah, but first let's have a look at you," Andrei smiled wickedly.

He removed my mask fully, and placed it into one of my gloved hands, then he looked at my face.
The knife moved to my throat, immediately.
Does he not know who I am yet?

"Вы сражались с тенями, не осознавая того факта, что тьма, с которой вы сражались, была вашим собственным творением." I whispered to him.
(You've been fighting shadows, blind to the fact that the darkness you battled was of your own creation.)

His cold eyes softened back to those ocean blues I once loved.
Well, maybe I do still love them.
Or maybe I hate them.
Ugh, my mind needs to make up its damn mind.

"Beloved is that you?"

His hand reached out and cupped my cheek, a simple gesture, but one I've missed nonetheless.

This time his grip loosened, so kneed him where it hurts, and scrambled out from underneath him.

He stood there completely bewildered, as I got up, grabbed my gun that had a silencer on, and walked on over to Naomi whilst looking him dead in the eye.
Then I fired.
And he didn't stop me from doing so.

I completely decapitated her head and hung it on a railing.
Three I grabbed my bottle of gasoline, that I just so happened to have with me, and spritzed her thoroughly.
Her blood painted the once mahogany railing into one that was coated thick with blood.
I then carved an RM into it, to symbolise that the Russian Mafia made the kill.
And set her ablaze.
I faced Andrei.

"How the FUCK are you still alive?!" I yelled.

"I can't tell you,"

"You can't tell me? Even though you left me alone to run a mafia and even though I watched you die,"

"I-He-It's difficult to explain,"

"Well it must be difficult to explain how the fuck you're alive after all these years!" I groaned.

I looked at my watch, the sun's about to rise.
I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed my backpack that had the cash in it, and jumped out of the window like the crazy bitch I am.



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The Blood That Ties Us Together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora