Season 1 | Episode 21 | Severing the ties

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The Ether shrieked as it was dragged into the large chapel. The clawed hands that restrained it squeezed tight enough to leave bruises on the flesh of its vessel's arms. The chapel was filled with the sounds of screams from the Ether and the growles and hisses from the ghouls that held it.

Errapel followed them into the chapel. He'd sensed the Ether's presence once he'd retured and, when he'd also sensed the hatred the ghouls felt towards it, he'd known that they would be more than capable of holding it still long enough for him to remove the vile creature.

Secondo's body was now not only covered in the thin red lines from head to toe, but also tangled in the blood-like vines that Seestor had described restraining him in the Mind Space. The lines filled his mouth with colour and the vines wrapped themselves tightly over his eyes. The Ether was more visible now then Secondo was.

Primo's ghouls dragged it to the center of the room, Zephyr swiftly flooding it with as much quintessence as he could give to make it easier to control. They pushed it to its kneese and it continued to scream at them in Infernal.

Primo, Terzo, Seren, Papa Nihil, and Seestor Imperator all bursted through the door, instantly freezing when they saw the healer demon stalking towards the creature.

Monsoon glanced up at their papa, knowing that he too could feel their rage. The Ether had made a grave mistake by killing Motley, and the ghouls were ready to insure that it lived to regret it. Even if it meant sacrificing their own free will.

Errapel crept towards the Ether, placing his hand on its head as he began to chant the removal spell his master had given him. A strange, electrical wind instantly picked up inside the chapel. He focused all of his energy on a single task: delving past the tangled defenses of the cruel creature and desperately reaching out to Secondo. So far, it was radio silence. He needed the boy to respond, so that he had the two sides there to tare apart.

"...Primo...Primo, call them back...Call them back now..." Seestor stuttered, gesturing to the small group of creature holding the Ether in place.

Primo gazed at his ghouls, Seestor's nervous but persistent command ringing in his head like a siren. He had no right to interfere. Not that he could. Their rage fueled their persistence and, strangely enough, he felt that it might just work to give Errapel the opening he needed to succeed. Primo stayed quiet, despite Seestor's protests.

Seren watched, the magics of the Ether desperately fighting back against Erappel's attempts to reach Secondo. The sparks from their collision gradually grew dimmer as the healer's strength began to fail him once again. His energy was being swiftly spent as he continued to search for the lost boy. One mind wasn't enough. One type of magic wasn't enough.

Seren ran over, placing her hand on Secondo's head and instantly feeling the red hot flames of the Ether's magic seeping into her body and trying to burn her away. Dark brown cracks of light appeared on her skin, rising from her arm, and the pain and effort it took not to let go was unbearable. She screamed to push herself to carry on, despite the Ether influencing her to stop.

Terzo cuddled into Primo's side as he continued to watch his friend suffer with the intense pain of being in direct contact with the creature.

"Lost one, I am here. Answer me."


Secondo's energy suddenly appeared as a small green light that was quickly fading which Errapel held on to like his life depended on it.

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