Season 1 | Episode 15 | Home of the Go-goat

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Seestor Imperator stood in front of the large white doors of the Transylvanian party house, the Ether waiting in Secondo's body by her side.

She grinned as the familiar music inside got even louder when a man with white ghostly paints all over his face opened the door to greet them. His face lit up when he saw her, "Seestor! It has been so long. Come, come. The others will be so pleased to see you again."

Seestor stepped in passed him with the Ether staying close to her side, gazing forward mindlessly. The large doors closed behind them and almost everyone in the room turned to greet Seestor as she walked further into the crowd. Hundreds of people gathered around, asking a thousand questions.

The music was turned down a little as a group of seven girls in black lingeries and silver heels pushed passed. They were only a little younger than Seestor and had all clearly been very good friends with her.

"Seestor, it's so good to see you again." One of them screached, practically vibrating with exitment.

Another interrupted, "We didn't think we'd get the pleasure of seeing you again. What, with your fancy job in the Clergy and all. Should we all be calling you Seestor Imperator now as well?"

Seestor chuckled and greeted them calmly. One of the girls, with dark brown hair that went just past her shoulders, noticed Secondo standing next to her and beamed at him, "And who is this little one? You and that 'Nihil' guy have been getting pretty busy, I pressure?" She said, crouching down in front of Secondo. The other girls giggled and bent down as well to get a closer look.

The Ether stared at them blankly. It didn't usually enjoy engaging with lower life form, like them, but the attention was getting to it and it decided that it wouldn't force them away just yet. So it allowed them to pamper it a little more before Seestor stepped in to introduce it, "Well, this is my son. The middle one. Secondo." She smiled down at it proudly before adding, "Mostly."

The dancer girls glanced up at her, clearly confused. The Ether chose that moment to step in, making Secondo's eyes glow red and the thin lines creep up his skin. The girls gasped, standing and backing away a little with the rest of the crowd.

"This is the Ether. Secondo is a nerogist and, recently, he attempted to link his mind to it. It responded by possessing him and has been her for just over a week now."

She smiled wickedly and wrapped her arm around Secondo's shoulders. It was a trophie to her. It hated that. She belonged to it, not it to her.

The crowd slowly closed back in around them, all praising the Ether in their own ways. Quite a few reached out and touched it. It seemed that merely being in contact with the Ether was a blessing beyond comprehension. The dancer girls were all kneeling around it, kissing it gently all over. That must just have been their way of showing their praise. It didn't mind.

Soon the topic of foresight and visions came up and people started requesting the Ether's guidance for their own individual problems. It was agreed that the Ether would answer as many questions as it wished to as long as they were, in some way, important. The Ether didn't like that one bit. Secondo was slowly beginning to drift into blissful unconsciousness and it was not in the mood to keep him awake for the simple desires of the lower life forms it had found itself in the presence of. And, either way, I did not like that they were trying to use it as a mere tool for their own benefit. It only ever helped those who could give it something it wanted in return, which they could not do.

The Ether lightly shocked itself with the energy of its own world to put itself to sleep. It collapsed, Seestor catching it and cradling it in her arms gently as if it might break at the smallest touch. The room froze for a moment, staring at the Ether with concern.

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