Season 1 | Episode 1 | Era of Prime

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The world this book is set in and the original characters, Seren and many others, were inspired/created by MelisandreGhoul So please go read their stories. They're amazing.

Primo Emeritus strode down the long ministry halls, the marble floor shimmering with the reflection of the early morning sun. The gentle patter of his shoes against the floor echoed throughout the maze-like building as he went.

He fiddled with his hands nervously. His father and head of the Clergy, Papa Nihil, had a habit of always mentioning what it was he wanted to descuse with him even before the time to do so was arranged. However, this time, he had done no such thing. A chill ran down Promo's spine as he wondered what his father had wanted to talk with him about.

Primo was a reasonably tall child with dark pale skin, although his face was covered with white and black skeletal paints. Papa Nihil always told him and his brothers to ware them in public as one of his many rules, although Second ocationally forgot. He, as well as his brothers, had hetero chromic eyes; his right being a deep black and his left a glowing white, like his father. He had buzzed black hair which had grown out slightly since the last time it had been cut. He wore a long white short sleeve poncho with a tight long sleeve black shirt underneath. The collar of the shirt folded over the poncho and covered a decent amount of his neck. As well as this, he wore tight black trousers and white and black formal shoes.

He strolled down the seemingly endless corridors, politely greeting a few Siblings of Sin as they passed him. They had always been very interested in him, due to him being the eldest of Papa Nihil's sons.

Finally, he arrived at his father's office door and nocked hesitantly. Papa called for him to enter from within the room. Primo gently pushed open the door and peered inside. Papa Nihil sat at his large work desk at the back of the room, Seestor Imperator stood stoically to his left. Papa had the same dark pale skin as him and similar skeletal paints. His eyes, however, were fully white making him appear almost ghostly in the darkened office room. He used to have long gray hair but he recently shaved it off, claiming that it exaggerated his age. Covering his entire body, he wore his white Papa robe with intricate gold lining. On top of his head, was a tall white and red hat with the Emeritus Crest embroidered onto the front. Seestor had pale skin and enchanting blue eyes with black eye shadow circling around them. She had smooth blond hair tied in a bun with a few strands loose and held up with a thin black head band. She wore a short green and black embroidered dress with large black heels.

On Papa Nihil's right was the head nurse, Anya, and a small girl who's shoulder she was resting her hand on in a proud manner. The girl was clearly younger than him. Around his brother, Terzo's, age maybe but he wasn't too sure. Anya was a tall elderly woman with pale skin and deep black eyes. Her dark grey hair was tied neatly in a bun with a black nurse's cap on her head. She had on a dark brown short sleeve shirt and wrist length black cotton gloves. As well as a long grey pleated skirt and a grey apron, she had a dark brown belt around her waist holding multiple different medical supplies. To cover the rest of her, she wore long black socks with large black heels. The girl being held to her chest had a reasonably similar appearance. She had soft pale skin with a light pink blush tinting her cheeks. She had stunning crystallised dark blue eyes that shone with a gradient of every shade of the aquatic colour. Her long black wavey hair lay gently on her shoulders. Considering what she was waring, Primo guessed that she was an apprentice nurse. A small grey nurse's cap lay on her head. She wore a lighter brown short sleeve shirt and grey wrist length cotton gloves. A long black pleated skirt covered most of her legs. She also wore a neat black apron with a light brown belt holding a few less medical items than Anya's. Over the rest of her legs, she wore long grey socks and sleek black slip on shoes.

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