Author's Note ( Vote/Help Me)

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Hello! This is my first story so I do hope you can all bare with me if this isn't so good at the start.

First things first, I wanted to know how you would all like this to be.

Would you prefer this to be a Reader Insert story or would you prefer if I used an OC?

For the OC, I already have a name chosen and a picture for the looks. The bio for the character would be the same, except for the Reader Insert, you will have your looks and such.

The next thing I wanted to know is if you want this to have any romance at all.

If yes, let me know. If not, the same applies.

If the answer to that is yes, then would you like this to have one romance partner or would you prefer a harem instead?

If it's a harem, I'll think of who to add in. If you have anyone in specific, you can tell me and I can think on it.

Also, any romance partners are going to be female characters only. I'm a straight male so that's what I feel most comfortable with.

However, just know that I'm an actual open minded individual and this is a safe space for anyone, regardless of their sexuality, gender, etc.

Khaenri'ahn Samurai (Genshin Impact Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now