Chapter 1: A day in customs

Start from the beginning

"The boss will not be too happy about this...and his men...what's that?" Prapor's man asks. Orders were being barked outside of the dorms, there was running coming from outside getting louder and louder. It wasn't just a single scav or other pmc as well but a whole group. "Shit downstairs! Whole load is coming up main stairwell!"

In seconds a firefight erupted in the stairwell, bullets being exchanged by both sides. Sounds of automatic gunfire filling the hallway. Moron and Boris held their ground may dumping their heavily modded AKS-74U and MDR respectively into the first guy who had came up the stairs killing him amidst the cascade of bullets. He fell to the ground, blood splattering the wall behind him like a grotesque painting as he slid into a sitting position motionless letting off one final groan of pain. They didn't look like scavs nor pmcs or even raiders, instead all of them wore a somewhat uniformed set of clothes.

Light naval blue tiger stripe camouflage print pants, dark blue jacket with 2 thick white bands on the cuffs of their sleeves. All of them wore sunglasses of varying types and there was only one man who had his men dress like that...

"Shit Reshala! Reshala-" Boris shouts out in a desperate frenzy realising who's people they are now in a fight with. One of Reshala's men peeks out and swiftly chucks a grenade landing at Boris' feet.

"Съешь эту суку! Скиф проверь Антона прямо сейчас!" He yells before jumping back down the stairs into cover. "Grenade grenade!" Moron runs into one of the dorms rooms while Boris tries to kick it away only for it to go off at the moment his foot made contact with the grenade. He tumbles down onto the ground having let go of his rifle and clutched his leg in pain screaming at the feeling of his now mangled foot. Using the cover of the dust that the grenade had kicked up Moron attempts to grab Boris but 3 of Reshala's men had moved up the stairwell shooting at Boris rendering him to meet his maker.

"Boris is dead!!! Boris is dead!!! Texas I'm coming to you!" He yells to the rest of group holding the hallway. "Alright! Make sure its safe first!!!" Texas yells back at him.

The 3 men turn their attention to Moron, firing bullets to suppress him and keep him in cover. He blindfires his AKS-74U in response managing to strike one in his head and send him falling onto his buddies causing them to fall over. Moron takes the chance to run down the hallway being pulled into cover by Texas when he was within his reach. "IM ALL READY YOU DICKHEADS!!!" Ubel from the cover of one of the dorm rooms shouts, 4 enemies rush forwards trying to take cover in the rooms swiftly. Texas, Floridaman, Ubel and Prapor's man all open fire at them taking 2 out.

"Misfire!" Ubel yells, he retreats back into the room he was taking cover in and begins trying to clear the misfire slamming his rifle against the wall and floor, his hand firmly gripped on the bolt swearing all the way in attempt to get it to move. Both sides were abscond in their firing positions, Reshala's men having gotten a foothold in the second story of dorms.

"Босс, мне стоит сделать снимок? Самый сочный пытается очистить свой пистолет, и у меня есть четкий выстрел." The scav asks, while Reshala's goons and the pmcs were fighting, the sheer volume of gunfire has drawn any scav brave enough to check out what was going on. A gang of scavs have taken refuge at the 2 story dorms parallel to the 3 story one having brought along a scav sniper. The sniper upon seeing Ubel's helmet swapped mags taking out the one currently in his SVD and putting in another which was topped with armour piercing ammunition and zeroed in onto his head. He moved his finger onto the trigger slowly applying pressure until...


"Come on come on clear already you stupid fucking-" BOOM, the sniper scav's bullet went straight through Ubel's altyn from the back, through his head and into the visor being stopped there only. He collapses onto the ground clearly dead, blood pooling onto the floor around his head area. "Ubels down we need to get the fuck out of here! You! Throw your grenade!" Texas yells at everyone else before pointing to Prapor's man signaling for him to be the one to throw the grenade. He takes out a F1 grenade from his pouch and pulls the pin getting out of cover to throw it but peeks out too much.

Immediately he is riddled with bullets falling to the ground dead. The grenade goes off killing and injuring several of Reshala's men. "Moron get out first and make sure no one is out these waiting for us! Floridaman you get out once everything is cleared by Moron, I'll follow once your out!" Both Texas and Floridaman peek out and begin unleashing a ungodly amount of bullets to suppress their enemy who are forced to duck into cover. Moron runs out the doorway they came making sure no one was camping the exit. "All clear!" He yells, soon after Floridaman runs out the doorway while Texas too makes his way out firing the last rounds in his RD-704s magazine at them.

"We gotta get to extract! ZB-1011 is open!" The last 3 remaining survivors run to the extract, on their way out following the northern wall they can see the scav gang who had killed Ubel running up into the dorms they were in through the main entrance. "Close one eh?" Floridaman comments between bated breaths. "We need to leave...quickly..." Texas states, by now the scav gang had begun to fight Reshala's men inside dorms, a absolute bloodbath of bodies littered dorms. Once everyone was done regaining their breath the 3 survivors ran for their lives all the way to ZB-013. It was a quaint little bunker which gave safe passage to areas designated safe zones such as the flea market and where traders operated being guarded by a coalition of men from the different traders to make sure the passages and paths doesn't become a extension of the tarkov conflict.

When they arrived to ZB-013 the gate was strangely still closed, usually it would have been opened by now as it wasn't just them using the tunnel to extract. The 3 of them pulled their rifles up ready to fire, flashlights were switched on and Moron opened the gate, first one in was Floridaman and the second he makes it down the aging concrete stairs a gunshot is rang out. It was a ex-USEC PMC with a MP-153 shotgun, miraculously his gun jammed and he missed, the spent casing being caught by the bolt preventing it from firing any further until the jam was cleared.

Flordiaman recoiled from the sudden gunshot but turned his SA-58 to the extract camper and filled him with lead immediately killing him on the spot dying in a similar way to the fist man who had come up onto the stairs back in dorms. "Just a extract camper, he's dead now. Wanna loot his body?"

"I'm good." Moron responds, he walks past Floridaman and the dead extract camper to open the hermatic single blast door which was the extract. The rusted locks clanking as they are retracted into the doors themselves. The hinges buckle, swinging the door open from the pulling force applied by Moron.

"I'll bite." says Texas, passing Floridaman and crouches down to the dead body, "I'll follow Moron and leave you to it then." Floridaman walks past Texas through the already open blast door. Scrounging around the dead body is almost pointless, he was running not too much gear, his whole kit was probably stolen off a scav. There was nothing of real worth on him, except his wallet. Texas takes the wallet, it is a old beat up leather wallet probably from the soviet era, inside was a clip of 50,000 roubles. Bingo, Texas thinks to himself, he continues digging and finally in a hidden compartment of the transformer bag he was running was a black and gold terragroup folder. He takes the money and folder and shoves them into his bag before joining his comrades in extracting from customs.

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