Capella VS Mamoru

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Third Person P.O.V

Walking atop of the stone slab, Subaru glimpsed the flowing waterway.

The water running within was clear and pollution-free. Even now, it flowed on in its constant, well established path. Even so, Subaru just felt a small sense of dread knowing that this same water could drown everyone in the city if the Witchcult wished for it.

Mamoru: It's a bad time to be sulking, dad.

Naturally, the first to notice Subaru's anxiety was his own son, Mamoru. The young boy looked mostly relaxed, unlike his father. Subaru figured that this was the case due to Mamoru's confidence in himself, it was probably boosted by the fact that he had killed the Sin Archbishop of Wrath not too long ago.

Subaru:...I feel like being under siege by a fanatical murder cult is good enough reason to sulk.

Mamoru: Not really. Sulking around won't solve much, now will it?

Subaru didn't give any verbal or non-verbal confirmation on whether he agrees with Mamoru ot not, but the Witch Child had a feeling that he had made a good enough point in Subaru's eyes.

Mamoru: I suppose we should try and hurry up a bit. Unless letting countless innocents die in vain is okay with you guys.

Naturally, no one in the group was okay with that. Not Subaru, not Garfiel and certainly not Ricardo who already seemed ready to take off the head of whoever had hurt three people who Ricardo considers to be his family members.

He wasn't exactly in a proper and calm state of mind either. Which was rather natural.

Garfiel, who had taken the lead, narrowed his eyes as Mamoru's voice rang out through the air. However, the beastman's expression wasn't in the least discouraged.

Subaru: Right...By the way, are you sure that it was a good idea to leave Iris behind at the makeshift hospital?

The white haired boy shrugged before answering.

Mamoru: Probably not.

His voice was nonchalant when he casually confirmed that.

Subaru: Why didn't we take her with us then?

The question was a natural one to ask. While not exactly experienced, Iris was powerful. One of the strongest Emilia Camp members in fact. It's not particularly rare for her to beat Garfiel or Zuri in a spar, although none of the trio ever go all-out against eachother for the sake of not accidentally killing one another. So the naive and kind Iris who firmly refuses to kill would probably lose to the likes of Garfiel and Zuri in a proper deathmatch...Still, her power was impressive.

Mamoru: I did make a promise to her parents that I wouldn't let her fight anything dangerous, you know?

Subaru might have been impressed if it wasn't for the fact that Mamoru was lying out of his ass. He sighed while putting a hand over his face.

Subaru: Yeah, no. What's the real reason?

Mamoru: Ouch. I'm just keeping my promise to her parents.

Subaru: Promise?

Mamoru: I promised them that I'd do my best to keep Iris out of danger.

Subaru:...And the other reason?

The son pouted while also frowning.

Mamoru: I'm plenty capable of just being considerate to people.

The only thing in response that Mamoru recieved was a tired stare that clearly indicated that Subaru didn't buy it.

The white haired boy glanced away while twirling his fingers together awkwardly.

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