Heinkel And The Audacity of This Bi--

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Third person P.O.V

Subaru: Don't you think that you're being a bit mean?

Mamoru: What do you mean by that?

Currently, Mamoru and Subaru were alone in one of the rooms. However, Mamoru was sitting on one of the chairs in a similar manner to how an emperor would. Above all, he just started to look like an overconfident prick to Subaru. The smug expression didn't help fix that impression.

Mamoru: I am just... enjoying my victory over the "strongest" guy.

Subaru raised an eyebrow at that comment in interest.

Subaru: So? Does that make you're stronger than Reinhard?

Mamoru's smug expression widened as he leaned into his chair even more than before.

Mamoru: Of cou--

Echidna: No.

All was silent as Mamoru's smugness disappeared into the air in an insant. He slapped a hand over his mouth and stared at himself in complete surprise.

Subaru wasn't too different from Mamoru as he had heard the voice of the worst witch he knows come out of Mamoru's mouth.


Mamoru: What the fuck?

Silence, no response came from either Subaru or Echidna, who seemingly is able to communicate without the use of the dream world.

Mamoru: Oh, no, no, no. You can't just randomly do that JUST for the sake of ruining my parade! Come on mom!

With a single word, Mamoru went from a smug little shit to a whiny little shit.

Mamoru: That's it! I'm going to file a complaint against my mom, directly!

He muttered the name "Echidna" under his breath and in the blink of an eye Mamoru slumped forward. Unconcious, without the sign of any movement for several seconds.

Subaru:...Since when can kids file complaints against parents?

He pondered over that question for a while until Mamoru woke up again after several seconds. When Mamoru lifted his head, Subaru noticed that the expression from before remained, but there was a notiable embarassed blush on his face.

Subaru: So... how was it?

The Witch child brought his legs closer to his chest and used his knees to prop up his head. A pout then formed on his face as he grumbled words out with an annoyed expression.

Mamoru: I was laughed out of the room...

Subaru: Yikes....

Based on those words, Subaru assumed that Mamoru probably hadn't had the chance to ask why Echidna had said that. He had most likely ran into whatever room Echidna was in, said that he beat Reinhard and was then quickly laughed out of the room.

Subaru almost felt second-hand embarassment at the idea of his own mom laughing him out of a room.

Subaru: So, uh... any idea why she said that?

Mamoru:...Didn't ask... but, Reinhard probably could have reformed himself if I hadn't.

Subaru: Really? How do you know?

Mamoru: I don't know! I just can't think of any other way that he could have won otherwise!

Subaru was about to say something, but stopped himself once he took note of how Mamoru looked.

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