Containing Garfiel

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Currently, Garfiel, Ram, Subaru and Mamoru were standing infront of the Witch's tomb waiting for Emilia to finish the trial.

Naturally, the light that came from the Witch's tomb died down and just like originally Subaru ran there to check if Emilia was okay.

While Ram and Garfiel stood shocked at the fact that Subaru could enter the Witch's tomb. Mamoru just looked bored by this whole ordeal.

He was honestly just waiting for his Father to come out with the shaking Emilia by his side because she can't handle a little of her past.

To him it was honestly quite pathetic.

When that inevitable event came, Mamoru just stared at Emilia's shook face that was full of tears.

He honestly couldn't comprehend what made Subaru so attached to her. She was mentally weak and she can't do anything without her Great Spirit. Really, the only thing she had going for herself is that she's "nice" but even that's debatable.

In the end, Mamoru decided to not participate in the meeting that happened after Emilia's attempt to beat the first trial.

He wasn't bothered to deal with Garfiel anyway, if anything important came up though than Subaru would let him know.

And so he sat at a bench, looking at the moon in the sky without moving a single inch.

While this did feel rather pleasant for a good while, it eventually started to get dull and boring for Mamoru. At this point he wanted to just skip straight to the day that they left for the mansion to kill the assassins there.

While he was thinking this, he heard a familiar, annoying voice behind him.

???: Sitting all alone, huh?

Mamoru didn't move an inch as he already knew who this voice belonged to. It was the merchant, Otto Suwen.

Otto walked infront of him so that they could look eachother in the eye, although Otto's face quickly filled with a sense of Melencholy.

Otto: Wait...You already forgot who I am, didn't you-

Mamoru: Otto Suwen.

Otto's face had a hint of surprise in it as he seemed slightly relieved.

Mamoru: A merchant who bought a supply of oil in the worst possible time of year, along with the fact that you got captured by the Witchcult and just happened to be lucky enough to have been saved by my Father. Now you're trying to take advantage of the situation to establish a business relationship with that damn clown so that you might actually do well as a merchant for onc-

Otto: Alright! Alright! Please stop that! It's really creepy that you know that much!

As always, Otto was being a wimp. It was almost pitiful, atleast in the eyes of Mamoru.

Mamoru: So, did you need something?

Otto finally calmed down a bit as he smiled and said...

Otto: Well, I figured you could use some company.

Mamoru hummed slightly as he listened to Otto's words. He then gave Otto a smile of his own and extended his hand towards him.

Otto looked confused for a moment, but he quickly smiled again as he took a step forward and reached his own hand out for a handshake.

The two of them shook hands as Otto let go of Mamoru's hand and took a step back.

But then Mamoru said something to Otto that he would never be able to truly comprehend the true meaning of those words.

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