Chapter : 10 : WATCHER

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As the two were running away Asteria can feel her back bruising from the way Laurent flung her to the tree. She can't help but remember the wolfs she's encounter. 'They were different, that's for sure.' Asteria thought as they rounded the woods and back to where Bella parked her truck.

"So would you tell me why the hell do you have a gun with you?" Asked Bella as they manage to get into the truck but not before turning and looking at Asteria.

"It's none of your business Bella. And besides we have to go home. Charlie will get worried." Said Asteria reluctantly and raised her shoulders.

"No! You'll tell me why the hell did your bullet manage to hurt him!" Bella raised her voice while pointing her hands on Asteria.

"Why do you care?! I just tried to save our lives back there and yours asking how and why I could hurt him?! Your not even thanking me. And the fact that you care about him more even though he tried to kill us!" Said Asteria exaggeratly at Bella and emphasising with her hands in the air.

"It's because you could hurt Edward, with that thing you have!" Bella shouted louder.

Asteria suddenly realize and said."You know what he is don't you? And Edward and his family are like him to aren't they?"

"What supernatural are they Bella?" Asteria asked calmly.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about. What supernatural? You must be reading to much fantasy books Asteria." Said Bella as she backs away from Asteria.

"I'm not dumb Bella. You know about the supernatural. Laurent's eyes, his speed, the fact that he did not bleed. He's supernatural. I know he is. And Edwards family, there probably the same. And your protecting whatever Edward and his family is." Said Asteria as she walks in front of Bella and jabbed her finger on her chest until her backs is in the car door.

"Even if you threatened me I won't say anything." Bella calmly said.

"No matter, I don't need you to tell me what they are. But I will tell you whatever they are I will find it out. Je protégerai ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes." Said Asteria as she backs away from Bella and turns to enter the passenger seat.

"W-what did you just say?" Asked Bella as she turns to get inside of the truck and put her keys into the car and start it.

Asteria didn't answer Bella. She stayed quiet the whole ride back. While Bella keep asking her what she said back there. But gave up midway into the drive. Bella was speeding her car back.

Suddenly Bella open her car door harshly and run back inside. Asteria can see Charlie's car on the drive way and she knows what Bella will do. She ran as fast as she could and stop Bella from saying what she think Bella will say.

"Wait- Bella don't!" Asteria yelled cutting Bella off but she still manage to say "–There not bears."

Asteria can only huff in annoyance, at Bella's tattle. And put her hand on her head in frustration. Her back was hurting and her head was still ringing. She tone the two's conversation about her and Bella's findings in the woods.

But she still listen on what they were talking about. "Yeah! Me and Asteria saw them. They were after something." Bella suddenly added Asteria into the conversation.

"What you to Asteria? I told you two not to go into the woods." Said Charlie and he frown at Asteria.

"Im sorry Charlie. Bella wanted to go there and I couldn't persuade her not to so I went with her." Asteria said. 'If you think you can just tell Charlie about the wolves and adding the fact I was there. Think again!'

"What- Bella?! I told you not to go and you brought Asteria with you. Are you sure they are wolves? Asteria?" Said Charlie as he looked to Asteria.

"I don't know it was going to fast and I just didn't see." Asteria said.

"Well okay then, Harry feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" Said Charlie as he look up to Harry.

Asteria watch Harry for a second he was reluctant to do what Charlie asked him of. 'He knows what or who they are.' Asteria thought.

Asteria looked at Bella and shook her head unimpressed on what she has done. And run back into her room to get changed to clean clothes and put her gun back to it's hiding.

Asteria wanted to get started on research and tell Chris about her findings that there are a possibly that there are more wolf types around the world not just the one from greek mythology and that they are real.

Unbeknownst to her a wolf was watching her pace around her room.

As Asteria was trying to sleep. She heard noises from Bella's room. She opted if she'll look into it or not and just ignore it.

It sounds like it was a male voice. She didn't wanna listen but she can't just get up and go downstairs the floor boards will creek and she'll gave herself away so she chose not to and try to go to sleep faster.

But she still heard the whisper in the walls and can't help but hear that the guy was non other than Jacob.

Asteria couldn't sleep that night after the whispers stopped she could decipher some of the words but she still couldn't help but think about what she experienced in the past 48 hours.

~~~The next day later~~~

Billy called Asteria if she can hang out with him at his house. And Asteria of course accepted. She after needed the normalcy so she hang out with Charlie for about an hour not until Bella came and started knocking on his door.

Asteria can see that she was in a hurry and in a mission. "Hey! Hold up! Bella!" Asteria run to her and took a hold on her elbow before she can even make a turn to where she was going.

"You can't just barge in here like you own the place. And just because your Charlie's daughter that Billy has no choice but to let you be here cause your his friends daughter." Asteria huffed as she gripped her elbows harder to stop Bella.

"Stop! Your hurting me!" Bella hissed in pain.

Asteria's hold lossen but she still didn't let go. "Look I just wanna talk to him and I'll go I promise. And I'll even say sorry to Billy." Bella huffed as she glared at Asteria's hands.

"You'll say sorry to him cause you know you did something wrong not that you have to cause you know you didn't." Asteria finally lets her go and follows her to where she was going.

The two girls ended up in Jake's room. Asteria's breath suddenly takes her away as the pain in her chest lessen as she looks at Jacob. But before she can get a word out Bella suddenly dash in front of her to get to the back door.

She could see four guys without there shirts on. She took one last look at Jacobs face. And ran to see what Bella was gonna do she can tell that she was pissed as she marched there way.

-I now finally merge them 😁

A/N:-I now finally merge them 😁

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Words : 1246

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