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Hey guys this was supposed to be chapter 8 but it was only a few words and I just deleted it.

Some of you are probably waiting for Chapter 8 but imma make it when I have time and an inspo happening to me and I'll make it.

There's another reason why im making another a/n it's not because I dont have anymore free time it's just school is starting and we have like a practice thingy.

So we went to school just to introduce ourselves and know our teachers but a few of them only went.

So my posting will be rarely but I will make this when I have a free time. Im kinda cherishing my last day tomorrow (in my time) and I need to memorized something so I can't get side track. 😭😭

I hope you guys understand. And I hope you guys vote the story if you like it and if it's okay I hope you guys comment on this so I'll know what you guys think.

I promise I'll make time for this book. That's all thank you for reading, and for your understanding.



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