Chapter : 2 : PAST AND HELLO'S

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'We are now landing, please put away any of your electronics, and put your seatbelt on for your safety's. I repeat we are now landing.' said the speakers of the airplane.

Asteria groans from her sleep and hastily put her seatbelt on and a woman suddenly approach her and ask.

"Um, miss are you alright? I notice you have tears on your cheeks. Is something wrong?" Asked the lady besides her.

"Ah, no, I was just dreaming thats all no worries." She said while hastily wiping her tears away.

"Ah, must be a bad dream. Well you're alright now. It won't haunt you no more as long as you're awake and won't think of it. After all it's just a dream. And besides you look like a strong girl so you'll be fine." Said the lady.

"It was more of a memory really..." She whispered to herself remembering it again.

(Her outfit you can change it if you dont like it)

'Allison!' said Lydia as she falls down from the pain and grief about her prediction about her friend

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'Allison!' said Lydia as she falls down from the pain and grief about her prediction about her friend. Asteria drops her hold of stiles and started running from the tunnel and trying to get to her cousin hopping that Lydia's banshee prediction where wrong.

She pushes the gate of the tunnel and stop at the sight of her cousin, best friend, and sister figure at the hands of Scott McCall. Tears already running down her face, before she could even get to Allison. Hearing her last words of 'I'm in the arms of the first person I ever loved, the person I'll always love. I love you, Scott McCall.'

Allison manage to say even though it was hard to breath and the words coming as a whisper instead. But still manage to say it and whispered something more softly as her life was slipping away.

Asteria didn't get there in time and she found Allison already dead at her friends arms. She was hysterical at what she was feeling the girl before her was talking and laughing with her earlier that day and now she was dead. She shook her body again and again saying she has to hold on and she will call an ambulance.

But no shake of her body or screaming at her dead body will magically bring her back. Scott has no choice but to pull the girl away from her dead body. As she watched her break down infront of him his heart breaking into a million pieces for her.

The girl he knew. The strong, independent, and unstoppable girl infront of him was breaking. And he has nothing to help or stop the girl from breaking. And trying to pull away from him kicking, punching every strength she has left her at the sight infront of her.

She didn't know what to do after that how could she... When the light of her life was gone... How would she tell him what happened here... It would break him more than she's already breaking....

She was supposed to protect her. She promised she will protect her. And yet she failed. She failed her, him, her friend's. No there friends, and herself.

She failed. And that was all that was ringing in her head on repeat eating at her taunting her, mocking her. And she could do nothing but listen.

At the police station she found her Uncle waiting there for her. The tears that she manage to stop before coming there started falling like a waterfall and both embrace eachother scared that the other will disappear if they let go.

~~~End of Flashback~~~

That day no words were spoken between them for they know if they did they will be choking at there words. And both hopping it was all a bad dream. But fate was cruel and it was not a dream that they hoped. They did not utter what happened that day for a few weeks afraid that the truth that they hoped were not true will be real.

That she was gone. And they have nothing to do but accept it. As cruel as it is, they accepted it.

Now a new chapter has been unlocked in her life and she will walk into it happily even if it was on fire.

She was out of the plane and walking to looked for a familiar face while pulling her things behind her. A voice suddenly called at her at her left.

"Asteria, over here!" Said a brunette girl with pale skin as if she was dead of how white the girl complexion was. Who would have thought that the majority of said girls life was spent in a place so hot and sunny yet she has not even tanned at all.

The outfit of the girl who called her. Matched her awkward nature. Nothing has changed at her friend instead maybe the glow of her face and the fact that she was wearing a designer clothes.

Her outfit stand out than the majority of the people inside, but Asteria did not care. She walked upto the girl who called her. "Bella, oh how is it good to see you again!" She said exaggeratly.

Bella scoffed at her friend's sarcastic tone but still gave her a smile. "Ah right, this is my dad Charlie. Charlie this is my friend Asteria." Said Bella while pointing at her dad and back to her.

'How weird, who calls there parents name instead of mom and dad?' thought the girl. "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Swan. Thank you for letting me stay at your residence. I hope I am not of inconvenience to you." She said while shaking his hand.

"Oh, um it's alright. I heard from Bella that you needed somewhere to stay and a new start from the place you were leaving at." Said Charlie awkwardly scratching his cheek.

"But still thank you. That you let me stay even though, I can just booked a hotel or rent an apartment here." Said Asteria as they all started walking.

"How could I let you stay there? When I was the one who said you should stay here?" Said Bella.

"But you didn't have to." Mumbled Asteria to herself. "Ah, here let me help you with that." Said Charlie helping Asteria with her bags.

They went to the car and started driving. Asteria was looking at the window seeing the houses and buildings past and turn into forest until she saw the Forks sign where she will be staying at for the few months of her life there.

A few conversations was dropped here and there at the journey. Catching eachother up and giving a few words about herself and Charlie doing the same.

-this is like a little glimpse actually more of a past but still. This was at the new moon. The two will meet soon. I'll try writing it as soon as I re watched twilight.


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