Chapter 53. Foes and Woes

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Despite being a mere extra in this novel, I can proudly say I'm one of the good-looking ones.

Wavy blonde hair that flows freely down to my waist, blue eyes that look like the oceans compressed into two pools, and a defined face shape complemented by a voluptuous figure.

This body of Kallen was particularly beautiful.

Callista was a bony and dirty child. Isabelle, while pretty, was a teenager developing her body. Allari was always holed up in the tower, and she wasn't the type who liked dressing up. Kallen, so far, was the best version of myself in terms of appearance.

So I'm quite confident that I can charm any man.

Especially the ones who always think with their thing down there, rather than their own brain.

"My lord," I faked to be drunk in pleasure as the nobleman devoured my skin. "It feels so good."

Just like Ashen said before, you gotta work to eat.

I can't afford to sit idly while waiting for the plot to completely unfold. And so, while Prince Dion has yet to reach out to me, I accepted a request.

Somebody put a hit on a nobleman who goes by Count Eleanor. According to our client, he's been abducting homeless children lately and selling them as sex slaves to nobles. How sickening.

At first, it was hard to approach him and he was on guard. However, while working as a dancer in the casino that he frequents, I eventually caught his eye. Count Eleanor asked for me to serve him, and that's how I ended up in his private bedroom.

Now, he's trying to get under my skirt.

Well, like hell I'd let him do that.

I moaned. "I wish to ride on you, my lord."

"Oh?" He smirked then agreed to switch positions with me. The count laid himself on the bed with me on top of him. "Go ahead. Pleasure me, bitch."

I couldn't hide the smile from my face. You fool.

As I sat on top of his body half-naked, I slowly untied my dress. The count watched me with anticipation, his mouth watering with lust.

To his horror, however, I didn't undress myself.

Instead, I took out the twin daggers that I've been hiding on my hips. Count Eleanor, realizing that he's been had, screamed for help desperately.

But I swiftly cut my blade across his throat.

Blood oozed from his neck like a fountain. I purposely held back so that he wouldn't die instantly. Can't give him the easy way out.

"Does it hurt?" I whispered to him, smiling

The count kept gurgling from his own blood as he tried to muster his voice. Meanwhile, the white bedsheets was filled with red spots caused by his blood. Hehe, they look like rose petals in the dark.

Isn't this romantic? My heart is beating so fast.

"You see, my job is to erase people like you from this world." I told him, euphoric and high from bliss. "I get paid to kill scum like you, and the world becomes a better place. Isn't it great?"

Count Eleanor stared at me with horror.

"Well, whatever." I grinned. "Time to die, bitch!"

I was genuinely pissed at this guy because he was targeting innocent children, who already have it rough living on the streets. As if the hunger and the harsh winter weren't cruel enough, imagine some random noble selling them as sex toys.

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