Chapter 46. Disappearance

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At that moment, my heart pounded erratically.

The sight of Ingrid's pink hair and emerald eyes made no sense to me. After all, the main reason why we're out here is to escape from the storm brewing in the tower, to circumvent the devil.

But then she appeared right in front of me.

Her svelte figure was concealed under the faded cloak she wore, but her small and pretty face still gave her out as the charismatic female lead. With eyes as green as damp fields and lips as plump as cherries, she was truly the epitome of beauty.

However, behind that innocent face is an entity forsaken by the gods, someone who's capable of causing destruction to the world. Lilith, the devil.

Calm down, I kept telling myself.

Right now, we're in the capital of Izumo, and the streets are crowded with people. Surely, she won't try anything funny in broad daylight? Otherwise, her identity will be discovered. She isn't so foolish.

I glanced on my sides. Haniel and Servan aren't with me. Didn't they notice that I fell behind?

"Miss?" A devilish smirk plastered her face, as if she knew that I was in an internal state of panic.

While I was at a loss, a hand suddenly grabbed me firmly and pulled me backwards. I raised my head on my side, and a rush of relief splashed over me when I saw Haniel along with my older brother.

"Sister, why did you disappear like that?" Servan flailed his arms around. "We were so worried!"

I pulled Haniel's sleeve in an attempt to tell him about the female lead. But to my surprise, the mage already looked guarded even without my warning. The glare on his purple eyes was so piercing, directed towards the devil incarnate.

"Stay back." Haniel muttered grimly as he shielded me with his arm. "No need to explain. One glance from her and I can already tell who this one is."

His eyes sharpened its stare even more.

"To think that such a repulsive thing is blending flawlessly among humans," Haniel commented then took a defensive stance. "You reek of evil."

Ingrid, at this point, dropped her sweet facade.

Her eyes kept fluctuating its colors between green and red, which was so disturbing. Moreover, she raised her hand on chest level then manifested a small amount of black magic, as if to intimidate.

I subconsciously held my breath. Does she plan to use black magic in this crowded place? This is bad.

"It's about time I meet a soldier of the gods whom I despise." Ingrid, or more accurately Lilith, stated with a mocking grin. "And it's their favorite child!"

Is she pertaining to Haniel, by any chance?

"But more than you, I'm more interested in her."

I flinched when Lilith shifted her gaze to me.

"How mysterious," She drawled. "You resemble the dead maid that Ruth cared for so deeply."

In that situation, only Servan seemed clueless at our tense exchange. Still, despite being oblivious, he also stepped forward and hid me behind him.

"Look at you boys being so defensive against a frail girl." Ingrid turned her back on us. "Relax, gentlemen. I'm not going to do anything to you."

The devil looked at us smugly over her shoulder.

"Well," A sinister laugh escaped her lips. "Not yet."

Ingrid casually walked away from us.

As the distance between us grew, Haniel hesitated from where he stood. His right hand emanated a glowing light, a sign that he was ready to cast a spell anytime and confront his archenemy.

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