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sunday 28th july 2024

11:00 am

"alright so then what we are thinking is boxing on lap..."
lando wasn't really listening to the conversation. he could hear the rain hammering down on the roof and knew the chances of them even racing were slim at this point. he could hear the formula 3 cars racing, which shocked him that they were even allowed out. the strategists were talking  about switching from mediums to softs and he was wondering what was going through their minds. if they were to race, it would be full wets the whole time.
"lando what do you think?"
he snapped out of his daydream before looking around the table at everyone's expressions. he looked to oscar next to him who subtly nodded his head.
"um yeah that sounds good guys" he cautiously said to the room.
"brilliant. well i think that's all to discuss. good luck today everybody" their head of strategy said, before everyone started to stand up and leave the room.

oscar turned to lando
"what's gotten into you mate?" he asked
he missed her but didn't know how to speak to his sister again. the moment they shared on the podium at silverstone was so special, and now they hadn't spoken in months.
"nothing mate, i'm just tired" he responded with a weak smile
oscar knew he was lying but decided not to question any further
"alright then"

12:00 pm

Lando was in his driver room sorting out his racing suit and everything else he would need for the race. he liked to sort it before hand so he could come in and get everything sorted quick and stress free before the race.

he then made his way down to the garage, but saw a spec of green amongst the orange. millie was there. she was stood at the entrance of the garage, taking shelter and talking to oscar. he shook that out of his mind as his engineers called him over to ask about some data and about which racing line he thinks works best. he then looked over at millie who made eye contact with him. she smiled at him, but he simply looked back to his engineers. every time he looked at his sister, he felt angry, but then straight after any small interaction he would feel bad for being a dick.

15:30 pm

"it's coming down hard. doesn't look like we will be racing todsy" oscar said appearing next to lando as they stood just inside the garage entrance, looking out into the pitlane.
"yeah, they would be stupid to let us go out" lando said in agreement

he thought for a moment before speaking up again.
"how's millie?"
oscar looked at him and raised an eyebrow
"she's not great if you want me to be honest, but you can thanks yourself and bearman for that."
lando sighed and just as he was about to speak, his engineer approached the two.
"get ready guys. for some crazy reason the FIA are sending you out. lights out at 4"
lando waited until the engineer walked away before he turned back to oscar.
"i think i'll speak to millie after the race"
oscar nodded
"please do. we need our favourite norris duo back"
the two exchanged smiled before wishing each other good luck and heading to get in the cars

16:00 pm






it's lights out and away they go

he got away well from the line, goung side by side with the redbull of daniel ricciardo ahead of him as they got into turn 1. the weather was awful so lando didn't try anything special, and just took the line he had been given by daniel. he held into p3, which was good for now. he had a long race ahead of him.

heading down the second straight, he knew he was coming up towards eau rouge and didn't want to even think about making a move near, he lifted us foot off the throttle but still felt the car gliding fast. the wheels were barely gripping to the track due to the large amount of standing water. he had to slam his breaks to slow down enough to make it safely up the corner. as he was going down the back straight he started to gain on daniel, until he saw red lights flashing and got a radio message.

MCL: Norris radio

"lando slow down. the race is red flagged"

"oh cause of the weather?"

"no there's been a big crash"

"oh my god with who? is everyone ok?"



"let us tell you when you come in lando"

"guys tell me. NOW"

"millie and jack"

"shit are they both out yet?"

"jack is getting out. nobody knows how millie is"


"bring the car in Lando"


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