~im sorry~

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The next two days of preseason testing went fairly well for Millie. She had the morning session on saturday, putting the car in P5 for the morning session and in P9 for the day overall. Sunday she had the afternoon session again and overall her time was in P4, an amazing result even if it was only preseason. She had barely seen ollie over the few days apart from the couple of hours they got together in the evenings at the hotel, but even then they both had to get some sleep due to the early mornings. Over the course of testing, she had spent time with Lance, her new teammate, getting to know him better. When she had signed, the media had immediately assumed that the duo would be a disaster, and she believed that, but after the past few weeks at the factory and on track, she had grown to be good friends with her teammate.

Leaving the track on sunday night, she was very late out. Ollie had finished three hours before her, so she told him to head back to the hotel and she would find a way back. Walking through the paddock she heard someone call her name.
she turned around to see theo jogging out of the alfa romeo motorhome
"oh hey theo. i thought everyone else had left already"
"i've had so much data to look at, i've only just finished. i assume your the same?"
"yep" she replied with a smile
"how are you getting to the hotel? is your car here?"
"no ollie finished and was tired so i made him go back. i'll have to get a taxi or something"
"nonsense, i'll give you a lift. i'm staying at the same place anyway so would be silly not too!"
"theo you are a life saver"

Walking through the paddock was like walking through a ghost town. Lights were off in most motor homes and garages, the breeze blowing through the walkway down the middle. Millie had left her jacket in the car this morning due to the high temperatures, but once the sun had gone down, the temperature had dropped drastically. She felt the goosebumps appear on her arms as she began to shiver.
"want my coat?" theo asked
"i have a feeling if i was caught leaving the paddock in an alfa romeo coat i'd get fired before the season had even started" she replied
"true" he smirked "one sec"

he took his backpack off his back and pulled out a black hoodie.
"here, this is plain black, no logos to make you seem like you've betrayed aston before the seasons even started or anything like that" he said jokingly
"honestly theo it's fine"
"no no. your freezing. i insist" he said placing the hoodie in her arms
she rolled her eyes playfully before greatfully accepting the offer
"thankyou" she smiled
she put it over her head and poked her arms through the sleeves before carrying on with him down the paddock.

As they scanned their passes to leave, Theo looked over at the photo on Millie's screen.
"why are you dressed as cinderella" he said through laughter
"oh god i forgot about that. I did it for Premas halloween party last year and Aston thought it would be funny to pull that photo out for my paddock pass"
theo was laughing uncontrollably, which made millie giggle
"right right shut up" she laughed
"oh i am never going to shut up about that"
they laughed again

Once in the car, they had a 20 minute drive to the Hotel.
"are you the youngest on the grid this year then?" theo asked
"almost, im second youngest. Ollie is exactly a month younger than me. i'm 8th of April, he's 8th of may"
"ahhh ok. does that make me third youngest, or is that jack?"
"jack was 21 back on the 20th of january and i'm pretty sure your still 19, so if my calculations are correct, your younger"
"thankyou for that. i never would have figured that out"
she held her hands up "your the one that asked!"
they laughed again
"so you'll be 19 before i'm 20 then?" he asked
"yeah, only a month and a bit away now. it seems so wierd to say it since i was 17 when i started formula 2"
"that is quite young"
"i'm just too talented, what can i say"
"hmm wouldnt go that far" he smiled back

Millie's phone started ringing.
"oh it's ollie. one sec"
she answered
"hey are you done yet?"
"yeah i'm on my way back now, why?"
"oh i was just gonna see if you wanted me to come pick you up"
"oh no it's fine. theo is giving me a lift"
"yes theo. you know him. annoying twat that tried to steal my championship last year"
theo playfully punched her arm
"owww" she giggled
"oh umm right that's fine. see you later"
and with that he hung up.

her heart skipped a beat, but not in a good way. she turned to look at theo
"did i say something wrong?"
"oh no don't worry. just relax yeah? your probably overthinking it. he's had a long day of driving and fat analysis. he's probably just tired "
"yeah i guess so" she replied, but she wasn't too certain

the rest of the car ride to the hotel was just filled with small talk from things like the winter break to the season to come. When they arrived at the hotel, she gave Theo the hoodie back and they both took the lift together, Millie getting out on a different floor to Theo. She said goodbye as she headed out of the lift and towards hers and ollie's room. Grabbing her keycard out of her bag, she scanned it and entered the room. Ollie was lay in bed, his chest exposed with only his pj short on, watching tv.
"hey ol"
"how's your day been?"
"we have a few days before the race weekend starts. i was thinking we could maybe go to dinner or something tomorrow?"
she went and sat on the bed next to him. taking the remote and pausing the TV. She then turned to face him as he stayed staring at the paused screen.
"what?" she said
"what's up"
"well theres clearly something. you hung up the phone without even saying bye. you've been giving me one word answers since i walked through the door and you won't even look at me!"
he turned to face her, noticing the anxious look on her face. he sighed
"i'm sorry"
"what's up"
"it's nothing"
"talk to me ollie"
there was silence before he sighed again
"why theo?"
"why did him of all people have to bring you back to the hotel?"
she let out a shocked laugh
"ollie it was nearly 11 o clock at night. nobody else was in the paddock or at track that happened to be coming this way! what's your issue with him anyway?"
"it's just...ugh it's stupid it doesn't matter"
"don't be silly" she gently took his hands in hers "you know you can talk to me"
after a moment silence he spoke
"towards the end of last season you guys got so close, even though you were rivals. i don't want him being better than me. i don't want to loose you"
"ollie why on earth would i leave you for theo. i love you and only you. it's always been you and always will be you. okay?"
"always been me?" he said, a smirk appearing on his face
she moved to lie next to him as he wrapped his arm around her
"oh yeah. when we first became teammates in f3, i had the biggest crush on you"
"hmm ohhh you had a crush on me did you" he said, putting his head down to be above hers. she looked up so their noses were touching.
"oh shush, i got over it"
"hmm yet here you are lay in my bed. let's talk about that shall we"
"oh shut up"
they both laughed
"i'm sorry" ollie said "i didn't mean to be off with you. i just get jealous easily. i love you more than anything and the thought of loosing you scares the life out of me"
"you won't loose me. i'm yours forever"
"i love you"
"i love you"
he brought his face down to hers and kissed her. she got up to change into her pyjamas before getting back in bed and snuggling into his chest as they both fell asleep.

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