Chapter 11

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Who could have known that Brett I'd a good skater not better then me but he's good and fun he really caught my eyes different from any of type of guy not to mention he's cute very cute definitely my type but I noticed something while I was skater diamond talking to Nathan it's surprising to me

Why would she want to talk to him? And why he's talking back? I'm jealous there's no reason in this situation I'm more then likely taking out of proportion but I don't know at this point

I took a break from slaying sitting down to get some air Maggie ran over to me ' you wouldn't believe what happened ' Maggie said in excitement. 'What happen mags?' Id asked her. ' well you know I won most of games with Trey and then out of nowhere he kissed me' Maggie said I got up

My eyes widen
' oh shit it's official now?!' I'm starting to get excited if I'm not happy at-least my best friend that's what matters .
' kind of he's taking me on a date tomorrow'. She says we started freaking out like typical best friends

' mags I'm so happy for you' I hugged her. ' I told you this year was going to be different' I said with a smile
'Yeah us with love life's' Maggie said she sits down so do I

' yup love life one is complicated one is happy ' I said.
' don't worry Allie you're going to get you're Prince Charming in no time' Maggie said reassuring me Trey came over to us

' sup Trey you heard you lost' I said. He looks at Maggie
'You said you wasn't going to tell anyone' he says Maggie face said it all
' well I also said I wasn't making any promises' she says standing out

'You want round 2?' He says she give him an intimidating look on her face they have a stare down
' you know it I'm going to best you once again' she says Trey chuckles
' you're on also you lucky you cute because if you wasn't I would destroy you ' he says
' let's see about that'. Maggie said they start to head back to the arcade once again I'm alone

I got back up went straight to Nathan
But he looks busy talking to somebody else Okay first diamond now this

'What's up everybody you know what time it is it's Friday night witch that means skate off find a partner and skate away' The rh said a skate off?

'Hey Brett wanna slate?' I said
'Sure Allie' he says perfect oh Mr.woods I know how to play this game like earlier I'm winning

The skate off begins me and Brett were dancing away while that I watched Nathan

He didn't have a partner so he stopped skating for a bit and watched at the sideline
'I told youuu bitch stolen ' diamond said
' let's see about that' Nathan said getting on the rink he found a random girl to dance with

Oh it's on

As we skated, I stole glances at Nathan. He was dancing with another girl, a forced smile on his face. It was obvious he was trying to make me jealous, but I wouldn't let it get to me. Instead, I focused on Brett, his eyes locked on mine, a mischievous spark dancing in them.

The air crackled with tension. It was as if the entire rink held its breath, waiting to see who would break first. I could feel Nathan's eyes on me, burning into my back, but I refused to turn around. This was my moment with Brett, and I wasn't going to let Nathan's games ruin it.

Brett spun me around, his movements fluid and confident. I couldn't help but be drawn to him. He was different from anyone I'd ever met, and there was a magnetic pull between us that I couldn't ignore.

Nathan's attempts to make me jealous only fueled my determination. I pushed myself harder, skating faster, dancing more freely. I wanted him to see that I was perfectly capable of enjoying myself without him.

The tension between Nathan and me was palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out on the roller rink floor. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. I knew that whatever happened next would change everything.

'. They are so cute' Maggie said watching Nathan and I dance
' yeah they are lost puppies they just need to get together' Trey said

' okay the girl with the ponytail and the blonde guy is the finalist because they danced better then most of you ' the eh said in the mic

Now it was solo but this time just me and Nathan because we were the finalist

The music started the tension was even more intense we looked at each other i twirled around he slide under my legs that wowed the crowd

'You trying to steal the show?' I said to him grabbing his hands we both spanned ' I'm just giving what the people want' Nathan said dipping me

' whatever you say' I said doing my dance it look like I was about to fall but Nathan caught me ' I don't need you're saving'. I said as he lift me back up

' seems like you did sweetheart' he said. 'You're mad at me or something?' I circle around him
' who said I was mad?'

' this whole night you've been quiet considering you always the loudest one' I said
'Maggie be the loudest one'
' well, yeah true but that's not the point what's wrong with you?'

'. Nothing, it's fine ' he said I know damn well he was lying. We finished dancing we took a break to talk
' you're eyes' I said
'What about my eyes?' He asked me confused
' you're eyes I can tell you're lying it's on in your eyes' I said pointing that out

'Trouble in paradise'. Diamond said watching me and Nathan talk looking like we're arguing
' diamond respectfully and disrespectfully shut the fuck up' trey said

' Allie I would never lie to you' he says I started to cross my arms ' okay then if you say so' I said

The slow song was about to happen I took my skates off putting them in my bags grabbing my bags
' hey where you going, You wanna dance this is your favorite slow song' he says

' no Actually because I have to go I'll see you Monday' I said I took

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