Chapter 27: Rescue Mutsumi/Kong V.S Giganotosaurus

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was walking in the forest by himself and make him was walking to the forest that he take a chill when he was walking and then (Y/N) was carrying his M16 rifle and loading the weapon right away. Then (Y/N) just walking and keep walking and then he was begin to following the footprint of King Kong and the giant gorilla was moving out to somewhere else in this Skull Island.

(Y/N): "Come on, Mutsumi be alive..." He said to himself and make him was running and running fast as he could and when he was reaching to the other way where the giant gorilla was walking to somewhere else in this jungle. When (Y/N) is running up there and then he was keep running to there right away and he was made it to where the space of jungle and make him turn his head to look at the view of this place.

 When (Y/N) is running up there and then he was keep running to there right away and he was made it to where the space of jungle and make him turn his head to look at the view of this place

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(Y/N): "Well, looks like I need to keep moving up there when I reach to the mountain of empire." He said to himself and make him was begin to walking 

(Y/N): "Son of bitch!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!" He shout out

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(Y/N): "Son of bitch!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

(Y/N): "COME ON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!! COME AND GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to those Velociraptors and then he was going to shoot them all.

(Y/N) was take these monsters out and he shoot at them and killing these 8 raptors and he shoot them in the heads, and bodies also the other dinosaurs for what (Y/N) was took them out like 13 of them. When (Y/N) was keep shooting and he was fine with his skill as (Y/N) and make him was keep shooting at these dinosaurs in full auto.

When (Y/N) was took them all out and make the two of them doing their best their can to fighting at these dinosaurs out and then (Y/N) was running out of his assault rifle and put the weapon back behind his back and (Y/N) took his pistol gun out revolver and he aiming his gun at the dinosaurs and begin to shooting at them in the heads.

When he was reload the rifle right away and then he was aiming his rifle at these monsters and begin to shooting at them with his rifle and killing them all like bad motherfuckers.

Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God Of Skull Island (Male Reader Insert)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu