Chapter 11: The Talking/Kong & Mutsume

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God Of Skull Island.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Proceratosaurus. Dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic Era."

Matsuoka: "We were just doing what had to be done." She said with a smile on her face.

Matsuoka: "Though you guys could still run fast since you're in the Track and Field Club."

Suzuki: "There are more of us who've survived. Let us join up!"

Alex: "There's more survivors?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then showing them the way where (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors are going right away.

Naruse: "This place finally solves our problem. We'll definitely be safe in there."

Jinnou: "We've come a long way, everyone. We can make it if we get inside."

The group all walked through the pathway where they are gonna going in this tomb huge place right now and then they both find there was a huge door right there Emiko and Suzuki and the other survivors were in as they entered the living room of this tomb place where the fires on the walls. Suzuki opened the door, and inside there was some students. They were all from the school as the group was.

There was Aoyama Nozomi. Her hair frames her face and only reaches her chin with side-swept bangs and had a kind face and glittering eyes. She is wearing her school uniform, with a ribbon tie and a skirt, and wears brown-black Oxford shoes.

Aoyama: "Miyasano? What happened?"

Miyasano: "Well, we bumped into the other group that came as they entered."

Then there was Momosaki Kasui; she is elegant young woman with thick hair that cascades down into loose ringlet. She has thick lashes, petite limbs, a slender figure, and unblemished skin that all say she lives a very pampered lifestyle.

Momosaki: "Phew, thank goodness we're not the only ones around here."

Usui: "We're glad you guys came a long way here."

Lastly, there was Usui Ryou, who is fairly handsome and has a nonchalant personality (Of a person or manner). His hair is teased into a Japanese-style mullet and keeps his collar unbuttoned. Usui has reached a more cautious attitude towards life and deals with problems carefully. He is very concerned about his friends with trouble and is very loyal towards the group, but trash talks now and then.

???: "Who is it?" He asked them and then out of nowhere (Y/N) with Soap meet the other survivors that he recognize them...the soldiers and girls too...Trevor, Tarma, Marco, Nadia, Fio, and Eri.

(Y/N) felt like now they are all here. He felt relieved. Except for Kamijo  was already deathwith his negative attitude.

Jinnou: "Who the hell are these boring people? They must this good to survive so far, right?" She said.

Jinno: "I'm tired of this."

Momosaki: "Ugh! Who brought this idiot girl along? Should he have been eaten already?"

???: "Hey! What's with all the racket?"

Another man comes out as he makes his appearance, but he is like the size of giant, he was wearing a tracksuit, his name is Minowa Takeshi from the Judo Club. Minowa towers over everyone. He is broad-shouldered, stocky, and chiseled in the face. His features are not gentle or youthful. Everything about him radiates an absolute powerhouse of strength.

Jinnou sees who it is, it was her homeroom teacher, her name was Chuujou Marika, seemingly the only adult left alive on the island. Marika emanates a dark and authoritarian aura. She has sleek black hair that is parted down the middle. She wears a medallion with a triangle in a circle. With her gothic style, it wouldn't be fair to assume the pendant has spiritual meanings or links to sobriety. She usually appears to be a stubborn woman who seeks to take the charge of all the students and dislikes any perceived challenge to her authority, even when the people questioning her actions might have point.

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