Chapter 18: Spinosaurus V.S Therizinosaurus/A Lone Wolf

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When the bullets hitting the Spinosaurus and make the Spinosaurus was roar out with his reacting toward to (Y/N) and then he shout out.

(Y/N): "HEY!!!! OVER HERE, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!" He shout out.

Alex: "(Y/N)!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I am saving your ass!!!!!! NOW GO!!!! GET OUT OF HERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!! I'LL MEET YOU GUYS TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!!!! NOW GO, GOOD LUCK FOR YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out at them and make him was running ad keep running fast as he could and then (Y/N) was running and the Spinosaurus begin to chasing toward at (Y/N) right away. 

When (Y/N) was running in the deep jungle with tomb and make him goes parkour and then (Y/N) was running fast as he could and he never strop and (Y/N) was keep running and then he could heard the stomps foot of Spinosaurus was chasing at him and make (Y/N) was running and not gonna stop until he need to get away from it.

(Y/N): "*Shit, I need a plan...I need a plan to get this creature away from me and I cannot been chasing by the goddamn dinosaur!!!!!!*" He thought himself.

Then (Y/N) was running and keep running and he was still turn his head to see the carnivore was right behind on his tail and then the dinosaur was run fast as he could and then (Y/N) just keep running and goes parkour not to fall and hit and he want to survive on this island. But he want to save Oribe alive and he cannot let her die by the giant gorilla and he want to save her and get her out of here...and that fucking maniac Kyle is insane and he is insane that he want to capture the giant gorilla and send him to the Tokyo city and doing the show.

(Y/N): "FUCK YOU, DENHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to him and make him was run to the other way and when he was got there and then he stop and he turn his head to look over there and he saw Therizinosaurus was eating some grasses and trees. When the dinosaur who notice at (Y/N) who was run here.

(Y/N): "I got it!" He said to himself and then the Spinosaurus was come out of his hiding and then the dinosaur notice Therizinosaurus and then the two dinosaurs were roaring out to each others and this get (Y/N)'s chance to running away from here and he was run fast as he could.

After (Y/N) was getting away from here and make him begin to moving out to somewhere else in this world and then he was got like 14 days left that the chopper is gonna take (Y/N) with Alex and the group of survivors to get out of here right away and he doesn't like to staying here in this goddamn island.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Christ, I think I need take a smoke at it." He said to himself and make him was grab the cigarette out of the pack and then he was light the cigarette and make him was smoking at it and he is sat there and chilling little bit. When (Y/N) was sat on the small log by himself and he was sat there and feeling tired as hell and make him was smoking the cigarette by himself and he just getting tired as hell.

When (Y/N) was sat there and chill little bit but then he was smells something in his nose and feeling like there was a dead body and he had no idea what the hell is that and he definitely smell it and sounds like disgusting. Then (Y/N) slowly got up from the small log and he was take a look at it and then he was pushes the bushes out of the way and make him was surprise for what he saw it...and he saw there was a dead body of woman laying there.

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