Chapter 20: Fallen Log

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3rd POV:

Previously of Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God Of Skull Island.

Alex: "NO!!!!!!! GET YOUR HAND OFF OF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and begin to shooting at Kong and the giant gorilla got shots in the shoulder and make him roar out in pain.

When the giant gorilla who was snapped into anger right now and he turn around and smash his right hand down on the ground and let out a roar toward to where Alex who held his submachine UMP45 was shooting at the giant gorilla for what he held her there.

Kong: "*ROAR*"

When he was roar out and then he notice Alex who aiming his submachine gun at the giant gorilla who was run away and let him stood right there and he reload his submachine gun right away and then he knew the giant gorilla will come for Alex. When the giant gorilla was run to the other direction and let him put Mutsumi to be safety and then he was begin to run off to Alex.

Alex: "Ah shit...." He said to himself.

Alex: "This isn't good

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Alex: "This isn't good....he's coming for me....I need a plan to take the gorilla down." He said to himself and make him was begin to moving out right away and then he was running out to somewhere else before the giant gorilla will come after him and then Alex knew (Y/N) was out there somewhere and he need to rescue him right away before something else gonna happened.

Alex: "Come on, (Y/N).....where are you?" He asked himself.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Akira are walking in the forest by themselves and then they both were start to walking to somewhere else and then (Y/N) with Akira begin to walking fast as they could and they both don't want to get attacks by any dinosaurs or monsters. Then (Y/N) was walking along with Akira and the two of them are chilling by themselves and then they both were walking and when they are moving and they heard sounds of rustling with moving.

Akira: "W-What the hell is that?" He asked himself.

(Y/N): "I don't know...something else is here...Stick close with me." He said to Akira and make the boy nod his head and he was told him to stepped back right now and make the three of them waiting for what happened. When (Y/N) got his shotgun out and aiming at the bushes where the noises coming from and then (Y/N) with Akira are waiting for what happened...and then the three figures come out of the bushes and revealed Kyle, Roland, and Danny.

Kyle: "HOLY SHIT!!!! DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Fuck, Denham! I almost kill you back there!" He said to Kyle.

Kyochuu Rettou: King Kong God Of Skull Island (Male Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora