Chapter 2- Crushing

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Ruby ran outside as fast as she could, scared out of her mind. What was that image? Why was she covered in blood? What did the butterfly mean?

When she was finally back at the courtyard, she leaned on her knees panting while searching for her friends. She finally spotted them all hudled up in a group seeming like they were looking for someone, most likely herself and Bloom. Ruby walked towards them, deciding to forget about that disturbing event.

"Rubes. Finally, you took forever." Stella said, hugging her friend tightly. 

"I missed you too, Blondie." Ruby said.

"After taking so long, I was hoping you'd at least wear something nice." The blonde said, pulling away from the hug and looking down at Ruby's outfit.

"Thank you, Stella. I'll keep that in mind." The redhead said, rolling her eyes.

Flora approached Ruby and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you, Ruby." The plant fairy said.

"Missed you too, Buttercup."

"Hello, Winx people." Robin said, appearing suddenly behind Ruby making her pull away from Flora.

"Do you really have to appear like that?" The redhead asked, after being scared to death by them.

"Yeah, it's funnier." They said with a cheeky smile making Ruby roll her eyes.

"Welcome to Alfea, Robin." Musa said, with a smile approaching them.

"Thank you, Musa. It's Musa right?" Robin whispered to Ruby the last part.

"Yes, it is."

"See, Rubes? This is what I'm talking about." Stella told her pointing at Robin's outfit. "They look great."

They wore a green button up shirt, as the last button was left unbottoned, and paired it with black jeans and white sneakers. They wore small hoop earings of the color gold along with a few rings decorating their fingers. Wrapped around their waste was a black leather belt. 

"Thank you, Stella." Robin said with a soft smile. 

"Ruby looks really cute as well." Ebony mumbled, making her presence known.

"Thank you, Peach." The redhead said smiling, making the brunette blush.

After a while of talking the music started playing meaning the party had started but, still there was no sign of Bloom.

"Hey, where's my sister?" Ruby asked.

"We don't know." Tecna told her. "We've been waiting for a while but, she hasn't come back yet."

"The party is starting." Flora pointed out. 

"Oh, this is ridiculous." Stella complained.

"What could be taking Bloom so long?"

"I'm sick of waiting already. After all, I'm the one who's supposed to be fashionably late." Stella stated.

"Ruby arrived later than you did." Robin reminded her.

"Coming." Bloom shouted, going towards them while trying to put her shoe on at the same time. Eventually she knelt down to tie it. "Sorry I'm late."

"And not a minute too soon." Stella said as Kiko flew towards Ruby with a headband in his paws.

"Why are you flying? And how?" Ruby asked him not excpecting an answer.

"Maybe he's magical." Robin suggested petting the bunny's hand. "You're a little magic bunny aren't you?"

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