Chapter 29 - Something is coming...

Start from the beginning

"Wow, what is this magical brew? I haven't tasted anything similar in my life."

"It's called coffee and it comes from the human realm. It is a popular beverage there. It takes some time to get used to it. I hope I haven't made it too strong." I said.

"It's fine. From the human realm, you say... Well, I didn't know they had such peculiar drinks there."

"Humans like it, it prevents you from falling asleep, well, in most cases at least."

"Interesting, you have to tell me more about the human realm, I'm quite curious." Lilith said.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, waiting for some guiding questions. Hopefully, I will be able to answer most of them. If not then I will have to wait for Luz to wake up. It could be a great possibility for her and Lilith, to get to know each other.

Lilith thought for a little while, then asked, "How did you even end up in the human realm?"

I expected this question, and contrary to the old me, I was able to own my defeat, "Well, after my fight with Luz, which I sadly lost, we were stranded in caves deep under the mountain. I wasn't in the best shape but Luz wasn't giving up on me. Somehow we managed to get back to the surface. Now that I think of that, it was probably the first moment when I realized I might have some feelings for Luz..." I sighed, thinking about how awesome Luz was back then. Not that she is not awesome now... Lilith waved to me, bringing me back to reality. "oh, were was I? Right, after we escaped we went back to Bonesborough. That's when I discovered that I was replaced in the emperor's coven."

"Amity... I didn't want to do this, but..."

"Nah, don't worry, it was better this way. If it wasn't for that, I would have never gone with Luz."

"Luz, Luz... What's the thing between you and her?" Lilith asked

"She is my girlfriend. I know it might sound unbelievable, but that's how things are. We have been together for a few months, I've been living with her and her mom in the human realm, she helped me fit in."

"And you used to want to capture her so much..."

I blushed, "That was so long ago, besides... besides... people change. Didn't you want to capture Eda as well?"

"Fair enough, I was just teasing you a little." Lilith said, even after everything that happened it was quite weird seeing her joking like that. For a long time, I thought she had no sense of humor. Honestly, it was quite refreshing.

"Now it's my time for a question. What happened on the Isles, in detail if possible?"

"It started after you left, Edalyn escaped from the conformatorium, with my help, since I couldn't let her be petrified. Then we met the head of the rebellion, Raine Whispers, and things got kind of messy. The beginning of the rebellion wasn't too bad, but as more and more people joined in the jobs got bigger and bolder. It didn't take long for it to become more or less like an open war. As much as I would like to provide you with every single detail there isn't too much to talk about. When we were strong enough we advanced on the emperor's castle and during the fight, the emperor's staff malfunctioned, subsequently killing him."

"Just like that? I never heard of a palisman killing its owner."

"His staff wasn't a palisman, it was artificial, because as it turns out the emperor was a human."

"WHAT?!" I couldn't believe what I've just heard.

"Yes, it was uncovered by your parents and they used it to convince members of the coven to join them. That's the only reason why there is still such a mess, even though the emperor is no more."

"But how did the emperor even get to the Boiling Isles if he was human?"

"We have no idea, and we probably will never know. Nonetheless, there is still a lot of work to do in order to clean up after what he has done. Especially with sigil removal. Sadly we had no luck with it. Maybe after you finish your glyph thing you could help us, you always had a knack for such things."

"Of course, I will help." I answered, while I was still trying to process this heavy info dump. I thought that my life in the human realm was full of ups and downs, but it was nothing compared to what happened here. I felt a little bad that I wasn't here to help, but at the same time, I started to appreciate my time in the human realm much more.

I talked with Lilith a little longer. For the most time, she was asking me about the details of the human realm. I did my best to explain everything and promised to take her there one day, mostly to show her human technology. As the questions started to become too complicated, I simply referred her to Luz and told her that she would explain all the details if necessary. Even though Lilith was reluctant at first she agreed. It seemed like she still had a grudge against Luz even though I was alright, and certainly wasn't killed by her. I quietly hoped that if they chatted about the human realm they would get more used to each other.

When Lilith left I went to check up on Luz. It was two hours, but she was still sleeping. Well, I wasn't about to wake her up. I figured I could get a nap myself since I felt that my strength spell wasn't working anymore. There were still a lot of combos to test, but for now, both I and Luz needed a break. With a slight magical assistance, I moved Luz to a bed. I didn't want her to be sore after waking up, and I have some experience with sleeping on a table. I lay next to Luz, closing my eyes and focusing on nothingness.

The sleep came soon, but the dreamscape wasn't too kind for me. I dreamed of my parents taking control over the Boiling Isles and hurting everyone I love. The worst part about this dream was the imminent feeling of helplessness. Standing at the side, seeing everything unfold in the worst way possible.

At the end of my dream, I was stranded in nothingness facing a silhouette. When it turned around I faced my mom. She looked me deep in the eyes, saying, "I'm coming for you, Amity."

It creeped me out so much that I immediately woke up. I felt as if I had run a marathon. The exhaustion slowly faded away, though the image of my mother awaiting me stayed with me for the rest of the day. I still helped Luz with the glyphs, but at the same time, at the back of my head, I was aware that something bad was coming. I was trying to convince myself that it was just a dream, although I did not truly believe in it, not at all. Something bad was coming, and I had to be ready.


Chapter 29 is finished, I hope you enjoyed it. Slowly but surely the story is approaching an end, If I calculated everything correctly, there are 6 chapters left after this one. I plan to finish the story by the end of September. As for plans for the further future, I will share them when I finish this story. If you have any questions, opinions, critiques, don't be afraid to use the comments. Once again, I hope you enjoyed the read, and see you soon in the next chapter.

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