Chapter 11 - Trouble on the Horizon

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Finally, it stopped raining, we left the Owl House as soon as the drops stopped hissing on the ground, we had a long way ahead of us and Eda wasn't about to waste any second. Sunrise was quite a while ago but Hooty and King were still sleeping, so we left them a note. It all should be just a routine adventure for another powerful magical ingredient. However, there was something I found rather surprising, Eda was against us using Owlbert to get there quicker. Something was bugging her, I just couldn't figure out what it was, she is so cryptic at times...


Finally, a chance for me to prove my worth. Just as promised, my mother escorted me to the coven's base for training, but instead of training, we've got a mission to once again try to capture the Owl Lady. Surprisingly, this time Lilith was almost sure we will succeed, but not in her usual over-confident way, I think this time she had a viable plan. By noon we were ready for departure, we've already sent scouts to the Owl House so that they provide reinforcements if necessary. With the help of our palismen, we reached our destination in no time. We stood between trees trying to gather some information about what awaited us. To our surprise, there was nothing, literally nothing, just the owl demon-thing.

Lilith commanded the scouts to engage with the doorkeeper while we awaited further development of the situation. The owl tube woke up and started attacking the guards but there was nothing else, did we catch them off guard? Without wasting a second I look at Lilith, she nodded back at me, and together we drew a huge spell circle, casting a powerful sleep spell. We knocked out some of the scouts with it, but mainly we've managed to hit the demon and take him down for now.

"You two, make sure to cast a sleep spell on the owl every 15 minutes, it can't wake up." I commanded two scouts that were standing closest to me.

Taking the rest of our resources we busted inside, but we found no one unless we count this weird small creature sleeping on the sofa. It started waking up, squeaking and stretching

"Who dares to interrupt the King of Demons." Then he spotted us "Ugh, who are you?"

"Where is the Owl Lady and the human?" Lilith asked.

"I won't tell you anything." The creature responded.

"Fine, I will get the information myself." Lilith said, drawing a spell circle and putting the little demon under a sleep spell. She started extracting memories from the creature's head. I have to admit, it surprised me a little bit, usually, Lilith would take such measures but today something was different about her.

"Ah, Eclipse Lake, what do you want from there sister..." she looked at me, "Amity, get ready, we will go after them after we finish securing the perimeter, oh, and send a raven to the castle, we will need some help with extracting the owl demon from the door."

Following Lilith's instructions everything was ready in under 20 minutes, reinforcements coming, the Owl House was secure, and it was time to finally catch our last two fugitives. Once again, me and Lilith got on our staffs and this time without any more assistance we went after the Owl Lady and Luz. Lilith said there was no time to waste and that we can't wait for help, meaning we have to deal with them alone. Anyway, if Lilith has a plan, which I'm certain she has, that shouldn't be much of an issue.


By noon we were almost there, slowly climbing the slope of the Titan's Knee. I wish we could just hop on Owlbert and get there faster... With each meter, Eda was becoming more nervous, and honestly, I'd had enough of it.

"Eda, tell me, what's going on, I can see that something is troubling you."

"It's nothing Luz, don't worry, I will be fine."

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