Chapter 1 - A 'normal' day on the Boiling Isles

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Hello there, this is my first fanfic, so the writing might sometimes be sloppy. Hopefully, you will enjoy it anyway. Maybe one day, when I get better at it I will make some minor changes to the chapters, nothing plot-relevant, just for overall smoothness of read. As for story updates, they might be irregular until the end of May 2023. Later, we shall see. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the story <3


I woke up just as the sun started to rise, tired as usual, but I shouldn't complain too much, it is still better than my life on Earth ever was. After all, it has been 7 months since I decided to stay on the Boiling Isles and help Eda defend against the emperor's coven attacks and I'm still not really considering coming back. It wasn't always nice and easy, but by doing extensive glyph research with Eda, I think we should be fine for the foreseeable future. Honestly, sometimes it gets quite difficult to manage all the combos, but I have to, there is no other way...

Once I'm done dressing up, I hear Eda calling me from the kitchen.

"Luz, come here, grab something to eat so we can start training!"

I swiftly make my way downstairs, grab a pan, and fry myself a griffin egg. After 10 minutes, I'm ready for action, so I join Eda outside and prepare my notebook.

"Finally, you're here. What took you so long?" Eda asks sarcastically.

"Well, when we find a glyph combo that can boil an egg instantly, then maybe I will be able to get to the training faster." I quickly reply.

"Anyways, have you made any progress with the shield spell combo?"

"Actually..." I paused "I think I have some idea of how to approach it." I said hesitantly.

"Is that so?" Eda asks, raising an eyebrow. Gosh, does she have to be so grumpy every morning? If we did our session in the afternoon she would be joking around and overall give a more positive vibe. I wonder whether that's due to the fact that she didn't eat enough yet or if her apple blood didn't kick in.

"So... we already came to the conclusion that the main base of the combo will be light glyph. I decided to experiment a little bit and managed to get some kind of pseudo shield, look." I quickly draw a short combo getting a small protective orb.

"Wow, I'm actually quite impressed that you pulled something off. Let's try to amplify its power now." Eda said with a slight smirk. Honestly, I was really happy that I was able to impress her, she is my mentor after all, though going through glyphs is more like an exploration together rather than mentoring.

It turned out that strengthening the shield is not an easy task so after two hours of trying, me and Eda agreed to take a break. She went to wake up King, while I decided to take a quick stroll through the forest. As always I took my notebook and pen as a precaution, after all, you never know what sits behind the next bush, there might be some dangerous demon or even worse, a coven scout. Actually, I haven't seen any scouts in a week which was quite concerning considering the frequency of their attacks, I could feel that they were up to something, but I decided to ignore this for now.

Throughout the whole time in the forest, I had this weird feeling of being observed, I knew that it wasn't Gus or Willow, they understood my safety concerns and would never pull such a prank on me. Maybe it is some kind of weird Eda's test... I just hoped it was Owlbert looking over me to keep me safe.

I made my way back to the Owl House quicker than I would have wanted, but this weird feeling was bumming me out. I told Hooty to be on the lookout and went to report to Eda.

Unfortunately, Eda denied sending Owlbert to look over me, which made us both concerned especially since Eda's source in the city reported increased emperor's coven activity in Bonesborough about which I wasn't of course informed. We decided to prepare for a potential attack from Eda's sister, it won't be anything new to us, Lilith failed miserably every time she tried to capture Eda. No matter the result of the assault, it was always very draining, especially for Eda considering her curse.

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