Chapter 24 - Expected conclusion

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Do you know what is better than being sick? Not being sick, that is exactly why I had such a great mood after I woke up. Amity was still sleeping so I headed downstairs, hoping for a breakfast. I wasn't disappointed, everything was waiting for me, looks like my mom couldn't sleep.

"Hola Luz, feeling better already?"

"Sure thing, whatever you gave me it worked wonderfully."

I grabbed a toast and sat at the table, luckily, I didn't have to go to school today, that's Saturday magic. My mom sat next to me with her own plate, probably hoping for a conversation, well, I might give it a shot, maybe it won't go too bad.

"So, how is the school going?" she finally asked.

Not the most original question but whatever; "Fine, since I have Amity with me it became quite bearable. Even the studying part."

"That's great, Amity is quite important to you, isn't she?"

I blushed, I had no idea what my mom was implying... "Sure thing, she is my only friend, and..."

"You should have seen how much she cared for you when you were sick." My mom said with some kind of underlying message.

"She did? Oh, I love this girl so much..." I glanced at my mom and realized what I've just said. If I blushed before now, I must have looked like a tomato "... I mean, platonically of course... How else... I-" I stuttered while she chuckled a little.

Did my mom notice my crush on Amity or what? I had no idea why she was phrasing everything in such a weird way. Well, deep inside I wished it was so easy, but come on, me and Amity? Together? Impossible, she is so out of my league.

"Luz, are you, still here?" Camila asked, it pulled me out of my daydream. Well, truth be said, my mind isn't here right now but I don't think that's the expected answer.

"Yep, still here." I answered.

"You seem like you would like to be somewhere else, go, chase your dreams." She said and blinked. Damn, she must have noticed it. Now it got kinda awkward, I hope she won't tell Amity, I would be so toast.

Speaking of Amity... I ran into her on the stairs, and by 'ran into her' I mean it literally. I tripped and started falling, luckily, she caught me at the last second. Oh gosh, I must look like a fool now, so clumsy...

"Whoa, hi Luz, are you alright?" she asked me.

I mumbled a quiet "yes", nodded, and kept staring into her golden eyes. She pulled me up, helping me to stabilize my position. Why is it always happening to me, such fails, so embarrassing. I thanked Amity once again and went to my room. I think I will scream into a pillow for a while.

When I was overthinking the whole morning, how I embarrassed myself in front of Amity, how my mom taunted me, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said and saw Amity sneaking into the room. She was visibly unsettled; I hope it's not about the incident on the stairs.

"Hi Luz, is everything ok, you kinda disappeared..."

"Of course, I just... whatever, yes, everything is fine."

"Great, I see you feel better."

"Yeah, I feel great, Mom told me how much you were taking care of me."

"Oh, she did?" Amity blushed, "I felt like you needed it."

"I did, thanks." I responded. Well, this conversation was quite awkward, though I couldn't grasp why. Then, Amity sat on the bed next to me. Suddenly, I felt like the room got much warmer, was I still sick?

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