"I'm okay, it's nothing I can't handle." The woman reassures. "But you guys shouldn't be here, especially you." She points to Nami. "Let's go, I have a place to hide."


"This is your hideout?" Zoro questioned as they walked into a slightly burnt house. "Not that well hidden."

"Well then. Welcome to my house." The woman corrects, leading them to the dining room. "My name is Ali."

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm going to be king of the pirates!" Luffy introduced. "That's Zoro and that's Nami!"

"Nice to meet you all. What would you like to eat?"


"I don't care." Nami shrugs.

"Same." Zoro agrees.

Ali smiles at the group and starts cooking. "Let me explain to you what's going on. This village has been under attack by pirates for a day now. They've been killing and kidnapping us since they've got here and haven't been letting up."

"Kidnapping?" Nami repeats. "Do you know why?"

"I have a guess, but it's terrible to think about."

"Just spit it out." Zoro says, making Nami punch him on the head.

"Be nice, asshole!"

"No, it's alright." Ali reassures before continuing. "I think they're doing it for a sex trade...they've only been kidnapping girls. Like I said, it's disgusting."

"What!?" Luffy exclaims. "Holy crap, that's horrible! Did they take your daughter as well?"

"Not my daughter but yes they took them. Not for the sex...trafficking part. To be honest, they pass off as a boy more than a girl. They're main goal is probably to get back at their mom."

"Their mom?" Zoro questions. "And who's their mom?"

"Her name is Angie Salem."

"ANGIE!?" Luffy shouts, scaring Ali.

"Uh, yes? Do you know her?"

"Yeah! She's friends with Shanks! He's told me a bit about her!"

"Well that's great." Ali says, finishing her cooking and giving the trio the food. "But to explain to the other two, Angie is a very famous swordswoman who the government has been trying to arrest for years now. She's beaten up...a lot of people because of her pride to be honest. So she has a lot of enemies."

"She's so cool!"

"You admire her, huh?"

"Swordswoman?" Zoro repeats, hand on his chin. "That's interesting..."

"Okay, cool Angie is a menace, but can we continue to talk about...ya know...THE BURNING VILLAGE!?" Nami scolds.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry." Ali apologizes. "To continue, I think those people followed River and Koa to this island...and started to attack it. So this whole thing honestly felt like bad luck. I want to help those two so badly...but I'm not strong enough to actually get inside the ship they docked and beat the shit out of their captain...that's how I got this burn mark."

"That looks really bad..." Nami said, taking a bit of her food.

"Want us to help?" Luffy asked, making Nami choke on her food while Zoro ate quietly.

"Excuse me!? Why would we help them!? This is none of our business!!!" Nami shouts.

"But she fed us...and she's been fighting so hard to save her children, we might as well help Aunty Ali."

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