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The ferry was a giant boat, with both cars and people on it. We claimed a place inside. I ended up sitting with Aris, Winston, and Thomas. By now I had noticed Aris wasn't very talkative. Winston was very nice, though. And a bit of a crack head like Thomas.

"So there's mountains in Norway." Thomas crossed his arms weirdly, leaning back on his seat. "With snow. And we're gonna climb one?"

"Probably." I stated.

He gasped. "Are we going on the Mount Everest?"

I nearly slammed my head in the table.

"Thomas, come on!" Winston threw his hands in the air. "The Mount Everest ain't in Norway."

"How am I supposed to know? They don't teach that at school." He rubbed his chin. "Wait, maybe they did mention it. Anyway. Can we take a selfie?"


"A collection for my cousin." Thomas explained proudly, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Smile!"

It was a very awkward picture, but hey, the boy was happy. "Imma send this to Chuck right away."

"Since when is he your cousin?" Winston buried his head in his hands, clearly familiar with this nonsense of Thomas, and his random changes of mood.

"Since my father's brother decided to have a kid with my aunt." 

"Thomas, you're a genius. Really."

"Thomas Edison for a reason, man." He gave himself a pat on the shoulder. "Quinn are you related to—."

"Have you seen my username?" I cut him off. By now I had lost count of how many people had made this joke. "No. I'm not related to Peter Parker."

"Imagine if you have spiderwebs coming from your wrist and—."

"Imagine that you created a light bulb, Thomas Edison." I shot back.

"Imagine if an apple once fell on Newt's head and he made up that gravity theory."


"What?" Thomas shrugged. "His last name is Isaacs. Newt Isaacs. Isaac Newton. Newton Isaacs. And imagine if Aris is a philosopher like Aristoteles, he—."

"Okay. Enough with the names." Winston stopped him. "But is Frypan Frypan's actual name though?"

"Nah. It's Siggy. Minho named him Fry." A pause. "But you're right. No more names. What can we talk about?"

Everyone gave a shrug.

"I'm gonna take a look around." He decided, seeming to talk to mostly himself. "Feel free to follow."

I did as he suggested, so followed the boy around the giant ship, watching my eyes out. Bars, more tables, the sea... everything.

"Yo!" Thomas leaned against Newt and Minho their table. I already started to think he never wanted to take a look around and purely wanted to join his other friends. "Leaving me out, are ya?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏 ✩ Minho, TMR AUWhere stories live. Discover now