P. 36 {Outsiders}

Start from the beginning

"He came over and we talked a lot more and he sat down with me to tell my Hyung."

"Oh, boy," I exclaimed wondering how Jin handled that.

"No, he was actually pretty cool about it (Y/N). Surprising, right?"

I could only nod in agreement and disbelief.

Strict, upstanding Kim Seokjin had given his brother his blessing? Awesome!

"He told me he'd rather I be happy than fighting inner demons my whole life and it was like a breath of fresh air. I mean, I'm still attracted to girls but right now, I'm taken by this one right here," he reached over and put Hoseok in a choke hold.

"Right now?," Hobi strained to say before Tae let him go. Standing he jerks Tae to his side by his waist kissing him. "This is forever, baby. No turning back now."

I laughed at the cute couple in front of me, extremely happy that they had found their way back to each other.

"Uh-oh. Someone's had enough," Tae said under his breath but Hobi and I both heard and looked in the direction Tae was looking in.

Namjoon had stood and was walking purposefully towards us. I guess I had been neglecting him for too long.

"He'll be fine."

"Hey, Namjoon," Happy Hobi greeted him as he got closer.

"Hey, Hoseok. Hey Taehyung. Can I steal my girlfriend back now?"

Namjoon's face was stern but we could all tell he wasn't angry. How could he be? He had just watched the entire interaction.

"Sure," Taehyung said. "We're gonna go enjoy the fair. We'll see you guys around. And (Y/N)? Thank you. Our relationship is as it always has been. You have nothing to worry about."

With that he bent to hug me and he and Hoseok walked off into the crowd hand in hand.

I watched them until Namjoon wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned in.

"What relationship, exactly?"

I smacked my lips at him. "Our friendship, Namjoon. We're friends. Always have been. Always will be. Come on, let's go enjoy the fair boyfriend."

His smile was back as he took my hand and let me drag him back to the tables.


Sow and Yoongi met us at the fair late in the day when it had gotten a bit cooler. At least that's the excuse they gave us. It was Yoongi's weekend off and they rarely got any time together so I can only imagine what the real story was.

Either way, both were a little too hype for Joon and I as we had been there since early morning. Joon finally had somebody to get on all those death-defying rides with him and Sow wasn't having it either so we sat at a table and chatted while our men went to play.

"So let me get this straight," Sow asked in bewilderment. "You and Namjoon are officially an item after damn near screwing in the park, and Taehyung and Hoseok are an item after years of secretly pining for each other and Hyung Jin is completely okay with his sexuality? Damn, bitch, your last two days have been jam packed with tea."

"Yes, hoe. But I'm happy for him and he's happy for me and we're still really good friends."

"Still," Sowan looked solemn for a moment. "It's still a shame that all that fine-ness goes over to the other side."

"Bitch, shut up," I laughed at her goofy ass. "You got a whole fine man yourself."

She smiled with her hand to her chest. "I do, don't I?"

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