Chapter 26: Penemuel

Comenzar desde el principio

Cole and I look at each other with confusion, shrugging our shoulders to what was going on. I ask who he was talking about.

"Pikka!" Loki exclaims, clinging onto my arm. "She won't leave me alone! She keeps trying to kiss me and hug me, and she won't stop following me!"

"Awwww! She likes you Loki." I say with another giggle. "I think she has a crush on you, baby boy."

Loki looks to me in disgust at that word. "Ewwww! Does that mean I have to marry her?! I'm not ready for that yet!"

Before I could say anything the voice of Pikka calling out Loki's name could be heard through the tent. Loki screams in horror while flying out of the tent to hopefully to escape Walter's daughter. Cole and I could only laugh as our poor nephew ran away from Pikka, who quickly fly in and out of the tent, searching for her "future husband" with Cubo swiftly slithering behind her.


"Once Noah is taken down then Spencer will most likely agree to stop his plans and leave us alone." I inform my friends and family with a determined grin. "I'll easily sneak into the palace through the caverns below and try to find Noah, wherever he might be. Hopefully there's no difficulties in the process," I let out a small yet nervous chuckle to sort of lighten the mood. Everyone else just looked as anxious as I was while I explained the plan once more. "Okay.... You guys take down the clones, capture them, and try to find a way to detain them from using their powers. That means use Vengestone on them. Although, for Varian's clone... that may be a little difficult with them having the Megastone."

Adrien looks to his brother with a hint of concern. "How are you gonna fight him without your powers? You're so gonna get pummeled dude." He says with a worried guise.

Varian rolls his eyes while standing next to Hunter. "Staff me." He tells his husband with a firm brow. Hunter hands him Waffles, his palisman in their staff form, smirking at what was going to happen next.

Once the staff was in Varian's hand, he twirls it elegantly yet very quickly without hurting one in the process. He showcases a few tactical thrusts and strives to let them all know that he was able to handle the oncoming threat. Adrien was in absolute awe when Varian finished his presentation.

"Now that's what's gonna happen once I finally get a hand on my own palisman." Varian says with a smirk in Hunter's direction, handing him back Waffles. "Is it ready?"

Hunter grins, "sure is, love. Here you go." In his hands was a small wooden raccoon which looked exactly like Varian's previous animal companion. "I thought this would help motivate you. His name is Chunky."

We all watch as Varian's eyes stared at the wooden creature in awe, completely in shock at what Hunter had made for him. In a matter of seconds, the palisman comes to life and a soft chittering could be heard from the raccoon as it squeaks lovingly at its master. In a blink of an eye, it turns into its staff form just like Waffles which almost causes Varian to cry tears of joy.

"I love it Hunter, thank you." Varian says showing his full gratitude by hugging his partner and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Hunter ruffles his hair with a proud smile.

"Okay, now that we've established that, does everyone know what they are doing?" I ask everyone aloud with a more serious tone after the cute interaction. No one said a word. "Good.... Max?" I gaze at my son with a grin. "You ready buddy?"

Max smiles ecstatically, "hell yeah!" He pumps his fist in the air to share his excitement amongst everyone.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" I raise my hands in the air to raise our morale as we all cheered for our future victory. "Let's kick some ass!"

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