14. ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴇᴀ

Start from the beginning

As you flip through the pages, you lose track of time. The afternoon light now blares brightly, but the chilly winds keep you comfortable. You don't notice that someone has been watching you from their office window as they work; that is until their intrigue brings them over to the garden.


You peel your attention away from the book as your heartbeat skips with pleasant shock from the sight of Tobirama. "Yes?"

"May I join you?" He glances at the empty chair adjacent to you.

You smile at the thought of his company. "Yes, you may." He settles within the chair as you close your book. "I was wondering where you were today."

"I had several meetings today over the topic of land arrangements," Tobirama sighs but pauses his woes at the realization of your comment. "Was my presence missed at breakfast?"

You hide your face behind the book. "Don't jump to hasty conclusions..."

He smirks, "I am not one to jump to any hasty conclusions, Princess."

Your eyes drift to the garden to avoid his knowing stare as your body burns with desire. You've already accepted your plight. After being enemies for too long, you now hold a romantic interest in this man. You enjoy your conversations with him, you like the comfort he offers, and he isn't too difficult to stare at for long periods of time.

He takes a peek at what you read and changes direction in thought. "Are you thinking of harnessing your powers?"

Your normalize your emotions as best you can to respond, "I... am not sure what I can do, but I'd like to see what I am capable of."

Tobirama's expression darkens in thought. "Have you read the subsection in regards to multiple users employed in summons?"


"Do you understand the dangers you face should you awaken your powers?" 

You blink a few times, confused as to where his questioning wanders, and your silence is enough an answer for him. 

He crosses his arms as he recites his findings. "Prince Elteru was killed in battle, but accounts of the battle state that his wounds were inflicted by no man or animal. It's for us to assume that it was a summon or beast. While Prince Zachary was regarded as a war criminal and castrated."

"Castrated?" you gasp in horror.

"If you are to pursue this avenue, it is crucial that you do not elicit the attention of anyone in your family."


"I know that you seek value from a trait that may save our people. I know that my brother believes you to be our savior," Tobirama crassly states. "I am aware of it all."

"T-Then you know that only I can do this."

He stares at you for a while, his eyes full of speculation. "We are not asking for you to become a martyr for our people."

The belief that you will fail pokes at your annoyance. "I am not intending to die."

He arches an eyebrow, "I will not allow any harm to come to you, Princess. Just... be careful. You may not notice, but many lives are now in the balance. Your actions, just as mine and my brother's, can create powerful forces that will alter the lives of all involved."

"I won't entangle your people in my fight with my family," you mumble and take a bite of the pastry in front of you.

"It is not as simple as that."

You frown, "I know it isn't that simple." Seeing his hesitation confuses you more. "What are your concerns exactly?"

He doesn't hesitate to inform you. "Not only do I worry for our people, but I hold grave concern for my son... He is now your son too. You may not have met him or have any reason to treat him as your own, but you do hold an obligation to give some consideration to him."

"As his mother?" Your tone indicates disgust but not for the boy. The idea of you being a mother when your head is filled with revenge and hatred stirs a revulsion from the defilement of the title. You cannot be anyone's mother at the moment, not when you desire the death of others.

But Tobirama translates it as disgust over the idea of a stepson. His face hardens with tension. "It is too aggressive a title to say outright, but I fear he may become--"

"You think my family would target your son... My step-son should I learn of my summoning?"

"It's in the realm of possibilities."

"I don't understand then," you respond with agitation present in your huff. "You want me to save your people, but then you don't want me to fulfill my obligation because your son may get hurt. I don't even know if I can do this! All I do know is that there are many people after this power I have and want to take me down. They want me dead!"

"And I won't let them," he states with confidence, but it doesn't alleviate the frustration you feel.

"But how can you be so sure?!" you exclaim while standing up. "These enemies we have can ruin millions of lives with the snap of their fingers. Meanwhile, you don't want me to do anything because I have a stepson to worry about?!"

Your words attack his patience, but he does well in holding it in. "Princess... That isn't what I mean."

"Then what do you mean? What is it that you ask of me and I will tell you if I am capable of it or not." 

"All I want is for us to approach this as a family unit." His answer is devoid of fluff, the romance in the air has long been dead. "But it is clear that it is my duty to think of my son, not yours." He rises from his chair. "I apologize for assigning you such a large task that you are not yet ready for. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Princess."

Your bout of anger deflates instantly. After wanting his company, you ruin what little time he can offer and guilt overcomes you. "You too," you breathlessly respond as you watch him leave.

As his back recedes from the distance, you realize that you may have been selfish in your retort. Usually, he held more patience for you obstinance, but you weren't showing any consideration for his son. It wasn't as if you wanted to be a mother; the title was thrown onto your lap without your say, and it's only natural for a 21 year old to not desire the role at her youth. You shouldn't have to feel sorry for rejecting the role especially when you need to find a way to survive.

But why does your heart feel heavy in denying this boy? Memories of your interactions with him never conjure up anything good. He was as arrogant and rude as his father, but... when he lost his aunt, when he lost his friends in war, when he felt so alone that he was nearly suffocating from life's tribulations, he stared at you, longing for the embrace of a mother.

Maybe you really should afford him the same chance you are granting Tobirama. "Akito Senju," you mutter to yourself as you plot out your next steps.

[end of chapter 14]

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