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"So as I was saying," I sighed through my phone. "I think I may be going home."

"No!" Maria yelled back at me. "You are so talented Ezra don't say that. Even though I want you home, you need to pursue your dreams. I'm telling my followers right now to vote for you again."

"Thanks," I thanked, rolling over on my bed. "But even Andre gave negative feedback. His stans are going to go with what he says. I'm toast."

"Even if you do get eliminated you could go for the sing-off," Maria advised. "People love you and they're going to vote for you. Okay?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "How is everything going at home?"

I almost forgot about 'home'. For the last two weeks, this place has been my home. It doesn't feel the same, but it's almost there. It had been two weeks of not being pestered about my life consistently.

"Just believe in yourself," Maria advised. "Even if you do get eliminated, you also have publicity. Okay?"

"Okay," I agreed.

"Also," Maria wondered. "Why didn't you tell me you were in a Dilemma music video?"

Why didn't I? The thought lingered. Maybe I was too busy.

"I had to sign an NDA," I lied. "I was gonna tell you about it, but I was so busy."

"Don't worry," she quickly said. "What was Andre like? Is this true? Does he smell eternal?"

"The hell?" I gasped. "No. He was so boring. Like so boring, that he could be used as a substitute for melatonin. He was kind of stuffy too. He had like twelve assistants around him. I didn't even talk to him that much. Trust me, there was nothing interesting."

"Oh," Maria mumbled. "Really?"

"Sorry," I sighed. "Next time I see him, I tell him to give you an autograph."

I could practically feel Maria smiling through the phone. "I can live with that. A deal is a deal."

Maria didn't need to know I almost kissed Andre, the man she had been in love with for a year, and was slowly falling for him by the day. It's not like she would've even had a chance with him. She was fourteen. I totally wasn't a bad sister.

"Anything for you," I said.

Maria went silent, and when she came back, she had luckily not plotted my murder after somehow finding out about Andre. She groaned instead. "Mom read on Whatsapp or something that going to bed earlier as a teen during summer decreases your chance of getting in trouble. It's effing summer!"

"How are they anyway?" I asked, ignoring her comment.

"Frazzled that you aren't here," Maria asked. "Mom complains about having no one to help her, despite having Emmett. He hasn't been home much."

Typical Mom. She'd rather break her back than ask her own son for help.

"Yeah," I replied. "I wonder how I'm going to go if I happen to win?"

"Mom insists you'll be coming home after tonight," Maria sighed.

Of course, she did. This was my little passion project. It didn't matter. I would have to get a real job.

"So much for believing in me," I muttered. "Anyway, I don't want you to face Mom or Dad's wrath so I'm going to send you to be. Good night Maria. If the bed bugs bite, bite 'em back."

"Of course!" Maria said. "Good night Ezra."

We hung up promptly and I sat in bed, alone with my scurrying thoughts. I wondered what I would do if I didn't win. Nothing interested me like music did. Maybe I could be like Ms. Ross and teach music.

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