We Age

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When I woke up in the morning and came downstairs, I expected to see some of the other contestants preparing to leave for the studio. After all, we had a long day of rehearsals ahead of us.

What I didn't expect was all the contestants, a flurry of cameras, all surrounding a cake with my name on it.

"Happy Birthday!" They exclaim at once, weirdly in sync.

My hand flew to my mouth in sheer shock, and I waddled into their presence. Everyone smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile widely and laugh when I got various hugs and birthday messages.

I almost forgot it was my birthday. It's always just been a regular summer day for me when my family would acknowledge me a little more and Emmett would hang out with all of his friends and I would go upstairs and cry. Maria always made sure to say happy birthday. She and Karson were the only ones who texted me this morning.

I hoped that everyone would just kind of gloss it over and I wouldn't have to have a big deal made of it. The producers must've told everyone and got the cake.

Everyone surrounded the cake, with me at the centre and sang me the most melodious version of Happy Birthday, not for a moment neglecting harmonies. I stood next to Grace and Janelle, who gave me wide smiles.

"Make a wish!" Janelle exclaimed.

I closed my eyes and thought before blowing out the candles.

Now this had to solidify my win in this competition.

When I blew out the candles, everyone clapped. One of the producers came by and began to cut the cake into multiple slices for everyone.

I got the first one, of course, and munched happily on my birthday cake. I hadn't had one of these in years. It felt so odd. I never even got the opportunity to have people in school wishing me a happy birthday. The curse of being born in late July.

It finally occurred to me I was eighteen. According to the law, I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Not that I was going to do it or anything. But that meant that I wasn't under the legal care of my parents anymore. If I won, I could sign a record contract all on my own.

The thoughts were just thoughts.

It felt so odd to have the collective acknowledging me, even if the producers told them to. It felt better than being on the brink of tears when the only friend I would have on my birthday was Maria.

For our sixteenth birthday party, Emmett got a shiny new cell phone, while all I got was a gift card to a store I didn't even like anymore. For our twelfth birthday, we went to the movies, and Emmett invited one more friend than he said he would, so he coerced me into giving up my ticket. I went home, and no one noticed until the next day. For our seventh birthday, Grandma Ekene gave us both $100, and Mom took mine so she could "hold" it for me, while Emmett got to use it to buy a new toy.

Birthdays weren't my favourite day. I unclenched my fists as Janelle and Grace approached me.

"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday?" Janelle asked.

I shrugged. "I guess it wasn't necessary. It's always just been another day for me."

Grace frowned. "We have to do something today! Our treat. What do you want to do?"

I leaned back. "Trust me. We don't have to do anything. Okay?"

Grace and Janelle gave each other a knowing stare. "Okay," they agreed.

My phone suddenly buzzed, and I snapped it up to see if it was STAN. Instead, it was... Emmett?

I moved into the quiet living room area to take the call. "Hello?"

"Happy Birthday!" he exclaimed. "I guess we're both eighteen now, huh?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just gonna go to Carter's house and have some fun," Emmett revealed. "Just the usual. Oh, the four of us are going out."

"Without me?" I wondered.

Emmett sighed, then chuckled. "Do you want to fly back so you can go to Boston Pizza?"

I sighed too. "No, I just find it weird. I'm not there. It doesn't matter."

We always kind of did our birthdays together, even if it didn't feel like it. I just couldn't put my finger on what felt weird about this.

"How's the competition?" Emmett suddenly asked. "You almost got eliminated."

Like I didn't know that. "Yeah. It was kind of scary."

"Mom was so sure you'd be coming home," Emmett admitted. "Like I'm pretty sure I heard her praying for you not to make it. Thank God for Maria's followers, right?"

Mom was so against this that she resorted to divine intervention? Clearly, He wanted me to stay here. Something about that also felt weird.

"Okay," I sighed, replying to no one. "They all wished me a happy birthday. We have rehearsal for the next round, so I'm just going to go there."

The silence was an awkward thing. Emmett and I never really talked this much back at home, even when he wasn't busy. Despite being twins, we totally couldn't be any more opposite than we were now.

"I get it," Emmett said. "Carter's coming to pick me up now."

"I'm going to go now," I told him. "I have to be at the theatre for the round tomorrow. You're gonna watch it right?"

"Yeah," he said flimsily. "See ya."

"Bye," I replied.

That was stiff.

You and Me (Plus Everyone In Between Us)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz