chapter thirty-three.

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Jeremiah giggled as he played the rubber ducky in the water. "Momma! Look!" he smiled, and so did I.

"A ducky makes what sound, baby?" I asked, softly washing his hair. "Quack Quack momma!" He closed his eyes, and I washed out his shampoo. "Right, sweetheart..." I smiled, and I heard little footsteps.

"Mommy.." I turned around, and Jasmine was in my big t shirt, waking up from her nap. "hi, baby..." Jeremiah squealed. "Hi sissy!" he waved, and tried to get up to hug her. "No, baby... wait."

I finished bathing him, and wrapped him up. "Now give sissy a kiss." Jeremiah & Jasmine both puckered their lips, and lightly kissed. "Hi Jeremiah.. " Jasmine said, following us into his nursery.

"Mommy.. I want chicken nuggetssss.." I smiled. "Alright, baby." I put on Jeremiah's diaper and his tank top. I kissed his nose, and picked him up. "Jazzy, is your sister still sleeping, boo?" I held her hand, and walked downstairs. She nodded, making her little bun move.

I went downstairs, and made Jasmine the chicken nuggets, and Jeremiah wanted Goldfish, so I decided to give him some in a little bowl.

I heard my phone vibrate against the marble counter, and it was Jawan texting me.

"Hi, boo. 😌"

"Hey boo boo! 😘 I miss you.."

"I miss you more, baby. I'll be home in a little, so just hang in there pookie. 😕"

"alright, I love you. 💚😋💕"

"I love you more boo. ❤😌"

I put my phone down, and Jailee walked downstairs. "Momma..." she rubbed her big eyes, and hugged my leg. "Hi, babygirl." I picked her up, and kissed her cheek. "You want chicken nuggets, baby?" she nodded, and I sat her down next to Jasmine. "Hi sissy.." Jailee said, hugging Jazzy. They kissed each other's cheeks, and I smiled.

It was around 8, the kids were getting ready for bed, and Jawan came home. I was upstairs, and I smiled, hearing his footsteps. "Hey, boo!" I squealed, and he hugged me tightly, kissing me.

"Hey, baby." he mumbled in his kiss. "Go change, boo. I wanna snuggles." he nodded, and took a shower, then came in bed just in his boxers.

As we watched TV, snuggled together, I kissed his cheek. He smiled, and I kissed him.

Our soft kisses turned into deeper, stronger kisses, causing a make-out session. Our lips didn't part, and all I heard was the soft smacking of our lips as we they moved with each other. Our make-out session after a brief 5 minutes, what felt like 30 seconds, shifted into making love. He passionately made love to me, kissing me, and whispering I love you, between strokes.


I woke up, hoping to have Jawan's body next to mine. I opened my eyes, just seeing his side of the bed empty with the sheets on top of me to tuck me in. I noticed a text across the screen of my phone.

Hey boo😘 I got called to work in the studio today 😩 I'll be home around 11. I love you. ❤

I smiled, and I saw Jailee & Jasmine walk into my room and jump on my bed. "Good morning momma!" They smiled, and hugged me tightly. "Hi, babies..." I smiled, and kissed their cheeks.

I heard a thump and Jeremiah cry. I gasped and ran in his room.

He was on the floor, sitting, and crying his eyes out. "Baby, how'd you fall?!" I picked him up and rubbed his head, and kissed his cheeks. "Mama's got you baby, shhh.." I groaned, hoping he was okay. "Mama I jump..." he weeped, and I sighed.

"Baby you jumped out of your crib?" he nodded, and I looked at him. "Why, baby?" He rubbed his forehead. "I wah sleep wiff you mama...." He sniffed, looking at me with guilt, with his fingers in his mouth. I pecked his little lips. "Call mama when you want snuggle time, okay baby? Mama doesn't want you to get hurt..." I sighed, and he nodded. "Yes mama." He nodded, and I smiled a little. "Did you hurt anything baby?" he nodded, and lifted to his hand. "Fingur...." he whispered, pouting his lip. I kissed it, and he sniffed. "All better?" he nodded, and I smiled. "Okay, baby..."

I turned around, and saw Jasmine and Jailee in the doorway smiling. "Hi, babies..." I smiled softly, and Jeremiah waved. "Hi sissies..." he laid his head in my neck, making me smile.

We ate breakfast, and as I was watching E! News, I heard Terrance say--

"Jawan cheating on his wife with a new model? More after the commercial break." My head shot up, and I clenched my jaw.

The show had came back, and I saw Jawan with pictures I've never seen before. My blood started to boil. She was in the studio with him, they were eating, and laughing.

I teared up, and Jeremiah looked up at me, and wiped my face. "Why you cryin' mama?" his small hands wiped my face, and he kissed my cheek. "It's nothing baby..." I hugged him, and kissed his head. I changed the channel, and waited until Jawan got home to confront him.

I heard him come through the door, waiting for me or the kids to run to him. I came downstairs, trying not to cry, and he became concerned. "Baby what's wrong?" I sniffed. "So I heard you're cheating on me?" I blankly said, making him become shocked. "What? I would never cheat on you..." He said, making me shake my head. "That's what they all say..." I looked down, and sniffed.

"I saw all of the pictures...I hope you two have a good life together, without me and our children." I coldly said, making him stop me. "Samantha, wait a second! I never cheated on you!! I would never cheat on're the love of my life." he said softly, making my chuckle. "You think that I'm just a toy you can play with and toss in the corner when you don't need it?!" I yelled, with tears going down my face. "I would never ever cheat on you, I took my vow to be faithful, and I am!" he stated, crying, scared of losing me.

"Well prove it! Because it seems like the whole country is believing the fact that you're cheating on me! I don't want to be embarrassed like this, Jawan. I-I just need a break... to clear my mind. I don't want to be taken advantage of!" I yelled picking up my purse, and leaving for my mom's house, where I already dropped off the kids.


I woke up, with the kids in my arms, holding me closely. I kissed all three of their heads, and smiled softly. I went downstairs, hearing the TV, and smelling breakfast. I sat at the table with my mom, and she smiled. "Hi, baby... how are you feeling?" she asked. "I could be better..." I said, eating my breakfast, I heard the news say the following report:

"Hit R&B singer Jawan Harris punched a papparazzi today, for questioning the state of his marriage, with his current wife, Samantha Harris, saying he cheated on her with a well known model, in Atlanta."

The reporter said. I dropped my fork, and my mouth stayed open. I didn't care of the memories of my mom telling me when I was little-- "Close your mouth before a fly goes into it" I completely froze. I went upstairs, and got my phone, trying not to wake the kids, to call him.

The ringing went on for what felt like forever until I heard his voice.

"Hello?" he said, sounding ashamed.

"J-Jawan, did you really hurt papparazzi...?"

"Y-Yes, he made me so upset, what was going on with us is our business, not theirs..." he said, sighing. "I just wanted them to leave us alone. Our issues shouldn't be out there like this." he muttered.

"I'm not even cheating on you, either. She's a friend from the studio, Samantha. I'd never cheat on you." he said, making me sigh. "Jawan, I just need time to think okay. I need more time..." he sighed. "Okay, love you." he said, making me hesitate if I should say it back. "Love you too." I hung up, and sighed heavily.

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