"What do you know about Right Arm?"He repeated.

"What do you know about them?"I shot back.

"Y/N, please don't-"

Newt didn't get to finish his sentence as we dropped even lower. I realized I was only screwing us over. It'd be one thing if it was just me, but I had other people with me. I can't get us killed.

"They live in the mountains. That's the only thing we know,"I confessed.

"I think you know more."

"We don't know anything more. Just let us go already,"Thomas pleaded.

"Oh no hermanos. I can't do that."

"You definitely can. Just get us out of here, and we'll be on our way. We don't care to join whatever it is your in,"I promised.

My response? To be dropped so low and so quickly black dots clouded my vision.

"I wasn't even being sarcastic that time."

"I know. I just don't like the way you kept insulting me."

"Egotistical much,"I whispered.

"Here's what's going to happen. You are all going to have a nice time here."

"Debatable,"I muttered under my breath.

"Then, you're all going to wait for who we need to show up,"He finished.

"Don't be a sellout. WCKD will kill us when they get us back. Do you want that kind of blood on your hands?"I asked, internally begging for him to listen.

"Whatever goes on with you is not my problem,"He shrugged.

Even though I couldn't see him I could hear that he was walking away. He was seriously leaving us to die.

"Just so you know I was going to call you a little bitch! You coward!"I screamed. It did no good as we heard his footsteps echo down the stairs.

"I hope you catch the flare!"I kept going. The footsteps stopped, and with them so did my heart. Nobody seemed to even be breathing. Then, he approached us. Looking down at us, he did the most unimaginable thing. He smiled.

"Those are some bold words for someone who isn't immune."

"You know who isn't immune?"Newt asked. Everyone was listening in, waiting for the answer.

"I do, but it doesn't matter now."

"Tell us,"He pleaded.

"What fun is that? Besides, these are the consequences for insulting me."

"A consequence is a natural thing. You can't inflict a consequence. Only punishments,"I pointed out.

"Smart words. Too bad they're not smart enough to get you out of this,"He taunted. With that he left us alone again.

"Screw us I guess,"I mumbled.
"Life's definitely been taking that job seriously,"Minho commented.

"That's great. Now what's plan B?"Newt questioned.

"Don't screw up plan A, but it's a bit late for that,"I sighed.

"You're lucky I'm not over there to shake some bloody sense into you. We did not escape WCKD just to end up back there. Do you really want our struggle to be for nothing? Besides, you said you'd do anything for your friends, right?"He reminded me.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?"I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"That means not giving up so you save them and get to your other ones. We're going to get out of this. Let's just put our heads together,"He encouraged.

My Only Hope(Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now