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Assalamu alaikum well here it goes, I made aesthetic for the story

Assalamu alaikum well here it goes, I made aesthetic for the story

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I ran away from there and entered the washroom. Safiya said it loud and he probably heard her. It made me feel scared he might be annoyed now.

Few minutes later Safiya entered and met me looking so embarrassed. I lifted my niqab as I was in the restroom. She had a grin on her face.

She approached me before hugging me excited and it made me think something good happened. "Guess what happened, well after you ran away I went to him and he showed me your letter. He actually smiled and said you were cute. You are the first lady he showed interest to and he might end up liking you for real"

Hearing her say that made me freeze. A huge smile made it's way to my face. I was so excited. My first love is finally noticing me. He thinks am cute. I immediately hugged Safiya showing my excitement.

I had to go back to class as my last class was starting soon. Which meant seeing him again. I was in niqab but I felt like hiding. I suddenly became so shy. I entered and he wasn't looking at me though I know he sensed my presence due to my intense stare like always. I sat close to Safiya. Everything she told me kept going through my head. I felt my heart fluttering and i smiled for the whole class. Just focusing on him and nothing more.

So many months passed, it was the same routine. I go to college and admire Abid. I meet Safiya, we study and hang out alot. She tells me alot about Abid. Listening to her talk about him is the best part of my day.

He comments about me alot and she thinks he really likes me alot. I look at him anytime I see him. It's been a year and he is still the only thing in my mind. I met umm Ahmad so many times. She wants me to marry Ahmad and she brought it up infront of my mom so many times but am inlove with abid

Ahmad is handsome and rich. I mean he never showed or cared about me or looked at me with any interest and I don't like him too. It made marriage rejection easier for me but umm Ahmad was adamant

Today's lecture was hectic. I didn't have time to focus on Abid. I felt so much better when the lecture was done. I was about to exit when a letter was dropped on my desk.

From the scent of the person that dropped it to the shadow,I knew it was abid. I have studied everything about him. He left the class after dropping the letter to me.

"Hey I shouldn't be talking to you and I know we shouldn't be doing this but I am a student and I want to marry you in a halal way and if you think you are okay with it just tell my sister and my parents can propose right away"

I froze. I never expected such a letter. He wants to marry me!! He is going to propose!! Wait I didnt see the sender's face. Maybe its Safiya teasing me. But he wants my opinion and is going to propose.

I kept the letter with me clutching to It so hard. I was worried the paper was gonna tear. I reached my home and met my mom. My mom noticed my disturbed face.

I gave her the paper that was given to me. I read the paper also confused. It didnt make sense to her. "Who is this habibty tell me" she looked at me happy. I couldn't speak,I could only tell her its safiya's brother.

She knows about my dying love to him thanks to my darling friend for telling her "safiya". Now that he wants to propose to me. It made her even happier, she loves what makes me happy. But I was too shocked to react. I didn't know whether to scream or cry.

Tears dropped my eyes. It was tears of joy. I was so happy I couldn't contain it. I hugged my mom crying. She cried together with me. She knew how much I loved him. She knew he was the reason why I didnt accept umm Ahmad's proposal.

After crying alot,my mom asked me to freshen up and give them my answer myself. After taking a bath I called Safiya. She picked up quickly like she was waiting for my call.

I smiled when I heard her voice. It sounded like she was excited but trying to hide it. I knew she knew about everything but was trying to hide it and pretend. I wanted to torture cause she hid this from me so I pretended also.

"Safiya how are you, I missed you alot today" I asked her pretending like her. "I am fine and I missed you so much also so tell me did anything special happen today common tell me" she said. I knew she wanted me to tell her about the letter.

"Nothing really I just attended classes and went home" I answered. "Saadah you know what I want so answer me immediately before I lose it" she sounded angry. That made me chuckle before I decided to talk to her about it

"Well Abid gave me a proposal today and I know you knew about it and my answer is a capital yes" I said shouting the yes. I heard her laugh. She knew this was going to be my answer.

"Ofcourse i knew. Do you think my stupid brother could write something so wonderful without my help. I had to skip school today so I won't spoil your surprise. Anyway i told them yes already cause i knew you will say that" she replied

It made me smile, Abid is coming to my house to propose to me and become my husband. I can't wait for that

Hey guys, well I want to apologise in advance. I wont tell you what for but I am sorry and here is the update sorry for the wait. Also thank you to the reason why I chose to continue writing this novel after giving up Aaliya016 I actually continued writing just for you cause you requested to see more. The first person to request for more from me. I love you alot❤❤

Fi amanillah

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