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Hey well the ending is here. I rushed it cause I wanted to update and start new chapter easily  here it goes

Aliya has been quiet for two weeks. She couldn't eat food so it had to be supplied through drip to her. She looked so lifeless, even Ahmad have never seen her like that.

She doesn't talk or move. The nurses bath and take care of her but she still looks like a mess. She talks to herself alot, it seems like she lost her mind with many problems she had.

"Ahmad I am worried about aliya, she doesn't say anything. Can you try having a conversation with her today" sara said. Ahmad has been avoiding having a conversation and was using the fact that she was sick as an excuse.

Ahmad wanted to avoid that conversation,he was also hurt by all this. Losing his child and all but he loves aliya and can't stand to see her eyes losing love for him.

He decided to approach her when they were alone in the room. "Hey habibty how do you feel" he asked speaking softly to her.

She didn't respond to him which he expected as she didn't talk in so long."so we didn't talk since our child died and I know you have so much questions but I also know you didn't talk in so long but I want you to know I love you alot and am also hurt by our child leaving. He died in my hands, I felt so hurt. Aliya I know you hate me so much now but I really love you and am so sorry for everything" ahmad said almost crying.

He really hated seeing aliya like this. He missed her nagging,her being healthy in the kitchen and her laughter. But she is quiet now,if she didn't blink you would think she is dead and that thought scared him. He can't loose her.

For the first time aliya looked at him. It gave Ahmad so much hope,he thought she will finally speak even if she doesn't forgive him. But she didn't do anything just stared at him.

After sometime she stopped staring and continued to look elsewhere. Ahmad didn't know what to do. He doesn't want to push her as she finally calmed down.

So Ahmad decided to just kiss her forehead. Hours later sara visited her
She had her little baby with her. She stayed with aliya and kept telling her things and also apologising.

It made everything hard for her. All aliya could think was, ahmad had another child and avoided her own. Her child was unwanted and she killed the child. Everyone betrayed her. She was fooled and was so stupid. These are the times she wishes her parents were alive.

Maybe Ahmad did all this cause she is an orphan. She was just beyond hurt. She doesn't even know how to talk and hasn't walked in so long.

That night aliya was on bed. That night she was left alone, maybe they understood and decided to give her space. But she was glad she was alone. For the first time she stood up.

She walked to the window and just stared holding her tummy. She cried and cried. She didn't cry since she found out her child died. She cried for the betrayal,for the death of her child. For everything everyone did to her. She decided after today she won't cry again.

She finally decided to move on and ask for divorce the moment Ahmad comes and move away to heal. She mourned her child and need to move away cause seeing Ahmad's face everyday isn't helping her at all. She decided to sleep. She held her tummy and went to sleep,not knowing it's her last day on earth.

The next morning Ahmad decided to visit aliya as always. He goes to work and visits her in the morning as she stays in his hospital. She was alone in the hospital room. He went to check up on her and met a sad looking nurse.

He didn't understand why she was looking at him like that so he asked. "Nurse jane what's wrong why are you looking so sad" he asked. "Am so sorry doctor but this morning I came to check up on her and found her dead. It seems like she died 30minutes ago had you come sooner you should have met her alive"

Ahmad felt his world shatter. His aliya died. He rushed into the room hoping this was a prank. Aliya was trying to punish him but he met a lifeless aliya. She wasn't blinking like before. She was actually dead now.

His aliya died for real. He released a sob remembering his love life with her. She was so nice to him, an angel. Did he kill her. Had he not betrayed her would she be alive?. Ahmad just sat by her. Brushing her hair. Trying to believe she is alive just going through so much. But deep down he knew she died . His aliya is dead. Gone forever.

Sara arrived as fast as she could. She met Ahmad looking dead just brushing aliya's hair. She looked at aliya, she was dead. She couldn't help but cry. The aliya that was so lively and had so much life. Everything they discussed about came to her mind.

She is gone now. Sara tried her best to console Ahmad but she also felt bad for her. Aliya was just 25 and she died. She felt responsible for it and that killed her. Looking at Ahmad she knew he will never be the same again. He looks so lost.

All what Ahmad could think about was her laughter, the time they spent together and how much she tried everything to show him he is loved. She was gone now. He lost his first love. After 2 years of being together. He lost both his son and wife. And it was partly his fault. He caused her pain and she had a quick delivery. That caused damage to her body and she is gone now

The funeral was done. Aliya was finally buried. She was put to rest. She had gone through so much alive and she is finally resting now. She had a plan of leaving Ahmad and going away not knowing she was dying in few hours.

Ahmad and sara lived together since then. Ahmad keeps visiting aliya's grave every year. He still loves her the same and prays to Allah for her. He hoped she forgave him before she died.

Ahmad had another child which is a daughter years after aliya's death. He named her aliya. It showed sara how much he loved her and will never love anyone the same. Sara felt jealous of this. Ahmad wasn't the same, he was lifeless. He reminded her of aliya in the hospital and she gets scared of losing him too everyday

He only smiles alittle with the kids but he forces It. It makes her think he doesn't love her kids. He also doesn't smile at her much or shows her love like before. It hurts her but she learnt to live with it.

They hurt an innocent soul,an innocent orphan so this is the fruit they had to reap.

Hey guys, this is the end of this short series "second love" . Thank you for being their with me despite my late updates and supporting me. It helped me alot. Anyway as I said if you wanna contact me you can in Instagram : (ummieeey_). You asked me about when I update I have a new story coming and it will have a happy ending I promise. I wanted only sad ending stories but I will make one for you so help me decide when to update so I have a deadline. I love you all so much❤❤❤

Fi amanillah


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