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Hey well I kept my promise though alittle late here it goes:

"Ahmad am pregnant" she said it unsure of what his reaction will be but she was hoping he wouldn't be upset as they had plans to stop the pregnancy. But to her surprise he smiled at her and gave her a hug. He seemed genuinely happy

"Ahmad am so sorry this happened I do take the pills and all but I guess it's not 100% but am so sorry" she said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Well I didnt plan to have a child now but since its here it must be a blessing to have my first child" Ahmad said knowing he was lying to her but he had to keep this a secret even if it means lying

They spent the whole day together. Ahmad has been taking care of her the best way he can. He tried to make her happy as much as possible. It made her feel less worried about Ahmad not wanting this

Being pregnant was different to her. She had all the mood swings  and cravings. It did put her mind away from suspecting Ahmad cause he travels often. But with time she got used to his travels.

Today she decided to take a walk in the park as exercise. She does it every sunday but today she felt sick and decided to do it on a saturday. She was going alone cause Ahmad had work on a saturday. She came to the park and walked alittle then got tired. She was 7months pregnant.

She noticed someone that looked like sara. So she decided to say hello after all she  isnt upset with her anymore. Upon coming closer she noticed Ahmad with the baby boy and he looked older from the last time she saw him.

Ahmad was playing with the baby. But he told her  he had work today. Well maybe he finished and decided to have fun with his best friend's son since he has no male figure. So she continued to walk forward. She was just 5 steps away when Ahmad kept the boy aside and went to kiss sara.

It happened right infront of her eyes. She couldn't believe it. She was so shocked to move. Everything was blurry. She could only let out a loud sob which drew their attention.

Both ahmad and sara looked shocked to see her there. Ahmad's face looked drained of any color like he saw a ghost. All aliya could do was shake her head. Her love and pride lied to her. Ahmad tried coming close to her and apologising but she asked him to stop. Her whole body was shaking. She felt so dizzy and nauseous. She was already sick this morning and now this

Aliya couldn't hold her feets anymore. And dropped on the floor which cause serious damage to her body that led to her fainting cause she was heavily pregnant.

She woke up on the hospital bed with Ahmad close to her. He looked so sad while he looked at her. She thought he was feeling sad for the lies he told her. Turns out it was bigger than that. She reached her hand to touch her baby and she felt it was flat. She felt nothing there and panicked.

"My baby  Ahmad my baby" she was panicked and trying to sit up. Before she could ask more the doctor entered the room. "Am glad you are awake, am so sorry we delivered the baby prematurely but he died 3days later. Your husband was able to see him and hold him, am so sorry you didnt get to meet him but I need you to rest as your body received serious damage and you were unconscious for 2weeks that's it for now please excuse me" said the doctor

Aliya felt her whole world crumble. She lost her only happiness and her husband betrayed her. She let the pain of betrayal make her kill her baby. She killed her baby. Had she been strong.Had she not fall down, had she become strong. She killed her own baby. She killed her baby. It kept ringing in her head.

Ahmad tried to hug her as he noticed she was numb. She wasnt moving or blinking. He hugged her apologising for doing all this.

"Am so sorry,we lost our baby
Am so sorry aliya. And am so sorry about sara. I had to help sara. She was a widow and with no one. I had to marry her and give her a proper marriage am so sorry I caused you pain am so sorry it was never my intention" Ahmad said. He kept apologising.

Aliya came to her senses and pushed him away hugging her knees to her chest. She kept mumbling "I killed my baby. Mummy killed you , I killed you" she was broken. She felt that she killed her baby.

Just then sara entered with a basket of food.she kept the food down. She looked at Ahmad and he gave her a sign not to come close and to serve the food to aliya. She served the food to her and tried to convince to eat "Hey am so sorry for your lost but try to eat something. I brought you food. Just try to eat it" sara said apologetically. She felt bad, she was a mother so she knows how bad it must feel together with Ahmad's betrayal. Aliya didnt respond she wasnt even moving. It seemed like she is in too much shock. She knew aliya as a strong lady. It was the first time she saw aliya so destroyed and lost complete hope in her eyes

Ahmad tried talking to her but Aliya was numb she couldn't hear anything. She cant even move. She completely forgot about everything. She was just mumbling how she killed her baby. She killed her baby. She felt that she should have been the one that died instead.

Hey guys am so sorry for the sad chapter I felt sad writing it too. Well next chapter is the last and I will update it this week and start a new story. I love you guys

Fi amanillah


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