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Hey like I promised, am updating early unlike I did before well here it goes. 

I went back home and all I could think about was him. He clouded my mind. I prayed salah and I just can't get his face out. Everytime I remember how his eyes met mine I feel my heart flutter. 

I kept looking forward to going to school. My mom noticed I space out alot. "Saadah are you okay, you look disturbed" my mom said rubbing my hair

She was worried my first day was hard on me. I flashed her a smile. "Mom am okay I am just tired but I will get used to it" I reassured her

"Mom if am getting married will it be arranged?" I asked my mom. "Ofcourse if it's not then you will meet non mahram men and that's haram, habibty just forget about that. Your dad and I will take care of it, focus on your studies"

I knew my mom will say that, that's why I asked so as to stop myself from having further feelings. I don't even know his name. I just know his gorgeous face and religious habit

I had to stop thinking about that. I decided to go to bed as I had classes tomorrow. I woke up the next day. I wore my new clothes.

I never cared about the way I dressed but I dressed with new outfits though I had hijab on. I went downstairs. "Habiby you look beautiful like always but why are you so dressed today? Is there a special occasion?" My mom asked

"No mom I just wanted to look good today" my mom looked sceptical as i never cared about dressing but she decided to brush it aside

I had my breakfast and left. I was using the bus today as I understand the road better. I had to take two busses

I reached the bus stop and entered the bus. I got down and my second bus was running late. I kept checking my watch while standing. It caused people to stare at me.

A car stopped by me and the glass window opened. A guy who looked handsome in his own way had a lady inside the car. The lady spoke to me

It was his mom and she was wondering if I need a lift as I looked straight. I thanked her and got inside. On the way his mom tried making small talks with me

She wasn't a niqabi so she complimented me alot for wearing niqab. It seemed she liked me alot. The guy was just driving. He never once looked at me. He looked like the quiet type.

i reached my college and thanked her. She exchanged numbers with me and made me promise to visit her this weekend. After saying our goodbyes they left

I entered college and my mind kept drifting to the woman's son. He was also the serious type and was a business man as his mom told me

He was also gorgeous but not as handsome as the guy I lost my mind over yesterday.

I was so excited and ready to meet the guy again. Immediately I entered the school I met his sister. She rushed to me and hugged me.

"Assalamu alaikum how are you, how was your night. I missed you" she said enthusiastic. "Wa alaikumus salam, I am fine and my night was great, I missed you too" I hugged her again trying to show her I really did.

I have been wanting to ask her, her brother's name but I kept getting too shy to do that but I decided to ask her today. "Safiya I think I have a project with your brother, what was his name again?" I asked her not wanted to ask her directly

"You just want to know the name of your crush, don't worry I support your marriage and his name is abid" she said teasing me

I liked the name. The man resembled him. I liked the name abid just the thought of calling him abid and him looking up at me made my heart flutter.

My heart has been fluttering alot lately. We went to class. I looked at him and couldn't look away, safiya noticed and decided to approach him

She whispered something to him and he frowned, she laughed and went to sit down. He could feel my eyes on him but he didn't dare to look up. He looked uncomfortable sitting there.

How can he be uncomfortable. He should be used to it. Someone as handsome as him should be used to people staring at him like that.

I sat down and went ahead with the lesson. My eyes are so used to staring at him now that I gave up fighting him. After the class ended he handed a paper to Safiya and left.

It made me wonder what he wrote there and I was more curious to touch something he touched. Safiya approached me with a smile 

"Hey your love abid asked me to give it to you and that you should only see it" she said grinning. I also couldn't help but smile.

I opened the paper and read what was written. Assalamu alaikum sister ,I just want to advice you. Stop looking at non mahram men its haram. If you can't stop then kindly stop looking at me like that thank you"

After reading the content, I felt a slight pain in my chest. What he said was right. It was what I told my self over and over again but seeing him say that made the chest pain worse.

I spent the rest of the day moody and I think Safiya noticed it and started asking questions about what was written in the letter. I didn't tell her the content but she suspected he said something rude to me and decided to talk to him later at home

Well I tried cause I updated 2 chapters at once well stay tuned cause I will be updating early now.

Fi amanillah


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