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Married life has been good. Everyday Ahmad is full of surprises. She fell in love with him so did he. The last one year many things happened.

She finished her college. He opened his own hospital. Though he was busy then but she completely supported him. She opened her catering service. Life has been good.

But since last month,things have been weird. Ahmad comes home late. And he always have a perfume scent when he is back. Though she knew it's a woman's perfume. She still try and convince her self that she is over thinking things

After all he is a doctor it might be a patient that requires his attention daily. And his attitude towards her didn't change. He is still the loving Ahmad.

Today he came back oddly late. It was past one a.m and he is still not home. She decided to call his office. The guard informed her that Ahmad left two hours ago.

She became worried. What if something happened. What if he got injured what if.... Before she could continue she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it to be met with Ahmad and he still have that perfume scent. After allowing him in. She asked "what happened to your key, why are you late is everything ok, wh..y did you co..me late" she said in between hiccups.

"I didn't know my wife will miss me this much. I think I have to start coming late if I will get such affection" he said while laughing. She smacked him.

"Now she is aggressive. Tell me why did you hit me" he asked. "You idiot I am here crying and you are laughing about how much affection. God I feel like killing you now" she said annoyed

"How can my Aliya kill me when she can't live without me. And I can't live without her. I love my Aliya so much and she loves me too" he said

"You always know how to make me happy. But you still have to tell me what made you to come late, I was so worried" she said with a worried expression.

"Actually I visited zayan,so I lost track of time" he said avoiding eye contact. She knew there is something more but decided not to push it.

"Ok now remove this shirt and throw it I don't want to see it again" she said. "Aliya this is the 15th shirt I am throwing away" he said with a sad expression.

"Just do as I said and come and eat dinner"she said and left. After eating dinner,they were cuddling. Ahmad slept but Aliya couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about why he will lie to her, When she called zayan and found out he was not with him

Maybe he is planning a surprise for me,she thought. But then why the female perfume. She decided to sleep as overthinking is giving her a head ache already.

The next morning she woke up before him. After showering she heard a notification sound. It came from Ahmad's phone. She decided to check it as it might be something important.

It read:meet me soon we have a problem. She was confused. Who is this person and why did he save her name as Sara. Who is this sara.

But she decided to let it go as she might be his colleague. But scrolling through their chats. It was messages about her telling him to meet her. It's probably a patient, she thought.

After preparing breakfast, she saw Ahmad rushing it seems like he is in a rush. He didn't even stay for breakfast. Maybe it's the patient again, she thought.

After making cakes and getting it delivered. She decided to bath and rest. After sleeping for hours she woke up late. By 12am, She was expecting Ahmad to be home yet he is nowhere to be found.

She decided to make something to eat. After eating she waited for him and eventually fell asleep. The next morning she woke up in the same position and Ahmad didn't return.

She showered after that she called his phone several times but it wasn't reachable.she decided to make breakfast and deliver it to him

After packaging everything she left for the hospital. She wanted to surprise him. So he wasn't notified. She opened the door to see her husband on the couch of his office. Together with a woman in his arms.

She was sobbing while he was placing kisses on her forehead. She decided to leave from there. She told the receptionist not to tell him of her arrival. She reached home and did nothing but cry.

Her Ahmad was cheating on her. Why will he do that. She cried and cried until she had no more tears. She realised it almost time for him to come back home.

She made dinner and ate before him. She decided to act like everything is fine until he tells her himself. He returned early today. After eating breakfast he decided to have sometime with his wife.

"Aliya you are oddly quiet today and your eyes look puffy tell me what is wrong" he asked. He actually wanted to tell her about the Sara but he doesn't have the guts. He knows she won't be able to take the news.

It's nothing she said hugging him. "But why didn't you come home last night" she asked. "Sorry I had work to do but tell me what my Aliya did today" he asked. "Nothing I was bored" she said pouting. "My cute Aliya I have a surprise for you, from today I will be free for 3 days and we are going to spend time together completely" he said. "Really yes!! She said hugging him

She actually missed him alot. It's been two weeks since they last went out. She had alot of plans in her mind. "Now I am tired and I can't sleep without you in my arms.I couldn't sleep yesterday now come let's sleep" he said dragging her.

Hey how was it. And also today is 6th February, it is my birthday,I know birthdays aren't a thing to be excited but well wish me. Well comment and vote

Fi amanillah


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