First happiness

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hey guys this is my new story and as I promised it will have a good ending, I will try to make it happen

hey guys this is my new story and as I promised it will have a good ending, I will try to make it happen

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It was early morning, I could feel the sun shining on my face. it seemed like today was going to be a good day.

I got ready to leave home. Today was my first day in college. I knew college life wasn't like high school so it will require more efforts and studies.

I was unfamiliar with the road there so I used uber. The car arrived and I got in ready to leave to college. On the way there I was so nervous. I was going to meet new people there and a whole new experience.

We reached my location and I got out. On my way inside I saw people trying to get inside. I saw so many beautiful girls and handsome men.

It seemed like they were having a fashion competition. I decided to enter my classroom. The first thing I saw was a guy inside, it seemed like he was the only one inside.

It made me want to go out as I was a shy girl but I took the risk and entered inside.

He looked up from his phone and I met his eyes. He looked different from the men I met outside the classroom

He looked modest and handsome all the same. He had a long beard and he looked down as soon as he met my eyes.

He stood up to leave as to avoid seclusion between us. I came back to my senses only after he left. I am a niqabi so my whole body was covered but my eyes did check him completely out.

Immediately after coming back to my senses I seek forgiveness from Allah and sat down. We had the classes 15minutes later and the guy came back into the class.

He wasn't like other boys. He distanced himself from women and looked down. He looked modest from the outside

I lower my gaze always but today for the first time I was losing my mind and was looking at a non mahram

I think he felt my gaze cause he looked my way and immediately looked down after meeting my eyes for the second time today.

I knew I had to control myself as this is very bad. I was losing myself just by looking at him

I kept wishing he would just look at me even once and make my breath go away. I stood up to leave the class as soon as the lecture ended but I saw him conversing with a lady.

She is also a student in my class. I felt a wave of jealousy. How can I feel jealous when I just met the guy. It was my first time experiencing love at first glance.

I waited outside the classroom for them to finish. The guy came out first looking down not sparing me any glance. I went inside to meet the lady

She had niqab like me. If not for my niqab she could see the hint of jealousy on my face.

"Assalamu alaikum" I greeted her trying to sound enthusiastic. "Wa alaikumus salam how are you" she asked

"Am great, my name is saadah and I think we take few courses today. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Am safiya nice to meet you, let's go to the prayer room so I can take my niqab off and meet you clearly" she said grabbing my hand and taking me there.

On the way there she talked alot to me. Introducing her self more and trying to make me comfortable with her

We reached the prayer room and locked the door. She sat down and removed her niqab. At first glance you could see how beautiful she is. It's not wonder a guy that handsome talks to her.

I decided to ask her a question that keeps bugging me. "Are you married safiya" I asked her with my niqab still on I think she didn't question it as she wanted to make me comfortable.

"Yes Alhamdulillah I am habibty" she said flashing me a smile. From her smile I can tell she is happily married.

I felt a pain in my heart. It was new to me but I knew my heart was breaking. From my eyes she could see I was sad.

"What's wrong why do you look sad as soon as I said that" she asked worried. "Its nothing i was just wondering if the guy you communicated with is your husband" I said hoping that's not the case

"Yes he is" she said. I felt like running away from the room my heart was hurting before she started laughing

I looked at her confused before she said " no am just joking that's my twin brother. My husband is more handsome than him" after she said that my eyes shined am sure she noticed.

"Wait you like my brother?" She asked looking amused. I just looked down. It was our first day meeting and she could notice I have a complicated feeling for her brother.

I finally removed my niqab and she looked at me before she started complimenting me but she was so much more beautiful. She said she will like me as her sister inlaw and stuff.

We decided to go for our next lecture. We never talked about it again. I wasn't sure what overcame me. I felt love,jealousy and heartbreak all in one day.

Do I really like him or am I having a complicated feeling. It seemed like my college life will be interesting.

Hey guys, well this is my new story tell me how you feel about it. Also I updated my new book check it out also. I will be updating alot so I can finish before school resumes.

Fi amanillah


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