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Hey like I promised am trying to update early now

I held the paper and kept reading what he wrote to me. I felt upset but I was more mesmerized by his handwriting and the scent of his perfume.

I sniffed it and all I could think about was him. It was driving me insane, despite everything i still want him.

Today was the day i was visiting the lady that offered a lift to me. I got dressed and went on my way.

I reached the location and noticed it's a decently big house. It seems like they are the rich type. I rang the bell and got welcomed in.

I saw the lady whose name is umm Ahmad coming down the stairs and she immediately pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheeks. She was a very nice lady.

I looked around and noticed the guy was nowhere to be found.i guess his name is Ahmad from his mom's name.

His mom noticed my eyes searching and immediately gave me a big smile. "Ahmad is in his room, today is his day off so he spends it resting in his room but I can call him if you wish to see him" his mom said, you could sense her tone was teasing me.

I immediately blushed, why was I looking for him was all I could think of. She made me sit down and served me a dish. she left to go somewhere

I served myself the food and starting eating. I looked around the house and noticed its a nicely furnished house. I knew they were the rich type but I didn't they were that rich.

shortly after Ahmad appeared. He looked so tired like he just woke up from sleep. He didn't seem to notice me in the dinning room.

He served himself some food. Looking at him from up close he is super handsome, if I wasn't crazy about abid I will love him.

He soon after noticed me as I was looking at him so much. I look at men so much now, I know its haram I am losing my mind.

He looked down after meeting my eyes, without saying anything he left. All the men in my life are so practicing. Umm Ahmad soon returned. she had a nice and a teasing look it made me think she knows that he came in and I saw him

"so you met him, do you feel better now?" she asked me. I immediately looked down, I couldn't reply to her. "don't worry you don't need to reply me now, so tell me more about yourself seeing the fact you like my son" she said wiggling her brows.

it made me blush more and I was glad she couldn't see me as I had niqab on. "well I am Nigerian and we moved here when I was little. my dad is a doctor and my mom stays home, am an only child" I immediately answered trying not to leave any information out.

she smiled she noticed I was very nervous from my way of answering. "habibty am glad you came cause that led me to meet a good girl like you, so can you open your face don't worry ahmad wont see you, he wont come out before you leave for your privacy" she said trying to make me feel at ease.

I slowly removed my niqab, hoping my face wouldn't disappoint her incase she has lots of expectations. she immediately had a big smile on my face and started complimenting me and kissing my cheek.

it eased my worries and made me smile, I spent an hour more there. I returned home safely and met my mom. she was waiting for me and was worried. I hugged my mom and immediately when to take some rest.

This week has been an eventful week. I met Abid and he is all I could think about. I took the note he gave me and sniffed it again. I wasn't upset with the content of the note anymore instead I am obsessed with sniffing it.

I soon after went to sleep cause I had school the next day. I reached the college, I was so excited to see Abid's face again. As soon as I reached the college I started looking for him. I reached the study hall and found him alone there

I smiled immediately and entered. I sat down away from you but close enough to look at his face. I brought out my notepad and starting writing a reply to his message. After contemplating so much I knew what to write.

"i am sorry" that's all i wrote. i wanted to write more and tell him how much i cant control it as i hate this feeling too. but i couldn't write all that. i stood up and walked closer to him. i said salam and dropped the paper with him.

i exited the classroom but i stood by the window to see his reaction. He looked at the paper and smiled a little. My heart exploded from his smile. He actually smiled after looking my paper. i felt a hand sneak up on me and that frightened me

i looked behind and i was met with his sister giving me a teasing smile. i immediately looked down cause she caught me and that will prove her suspicion.

"sister inlaw i know you like him but can you keep more hidden atleast?" she said. i know she said that to tease me. i couldn't reply to her. Abid looked our direction and he most likely heard what she said. i wanted to hide my head in shame. she noticed it and she winked at him. i immediately left the place as i was so embarrassed.

Hey guys am so sorry for the crappy chapter. I just wanted to update as soon as possible anyway thanks for the love and support.

Fi amanillah


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