Poor thing

"Do you want to come here and guard... something?" Edmund asks his spooked cousin.

"Ah, yes. Good idea, cousin. Very, uh... logical." Eustace makes his way over to us and Caspian hands him a dagger. To which he almost drops instantly.

"I've got it. I've got it. Don't worry." Eustace gave us a small smile.

"Let's hurry, I don't want him accidentally stabbing himself," I say.

Caspian leading the way, Edmund, me, and Lucy walk inside the mysterious building.

"Uh, I'm ready to go when you are." I hear Eusatce call out.

In the building were these tall statues on both sides. It looked like people taking off their crowns, but for an odd reason, these statues didn't have heads it freaked me out.


We kept walking and there was a podium in the middle of the room. There was an open book on it filled with names and numbers beside them.

"Who are all these people?" Lucy asks tracing her hand over the book. "Why have they been crossed out?"

"It looks like some kind of fee." I say looking at the number next to the names.

"Slave traders," Caspian mumbles.

"Look out!" Edmund points above us and there goes the slave trades going down ropes.

I take out my sword and charge at one quickly taking him out.

All of us keep fighting but stopped when I hear a girl scream.

"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again... I'd say you should... drop your weapon." One of the slave trades had Eusatce at knife point.

"Like a girl?" Esuatce asks offended.

"Now!" the man demands us.

I throw my sword on the ground out of anger at the slave traders

"Eustace." Lucy calls out to him.

"Put them in irons." the man commands the others

"Come on. Come here, you." One guys says next to me. He roughly grabs my arms and twist them behind my back.

"You're a pretty one aren't you," he says dangerously close to my ear

"Get your hands off me!" I struggle against the man.

"Let's take these three to market." the main slave trader says.

"Oh, they're gonna love you. They always like the feisty ones," the man holding my taunts.

"Get your hands off her," I hear Edmund yell.

"Send those two to the dungeons." the main guy says pointing at Edmund and Caspian.

"Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king!" Caspian yells and one of the traders punches him in the face.

"You're gonna pay for that." Caspian threatens.

"Actually... someone else is going to pay...for all of you." One man says emerging from the shadows.

"NO!" I yell as the man starts taking me away.

"Lucy! Astrea!" I hear Edmund yell.


Being chained to the wall in sweltering heat is not fun.

How would I know?

I'm currently chained to the wall in the sweltering sun.

Yay me.

Me, Lucy, and Eustace were chained by our necks and wrists. 

"What are we going to do?" Eustace panics.

At this moment I realize they he is just a kid and he is probably really freaked out.

"Everything will be fine, I have a plan," I say.

That somewhat calms him down.

"What about Edmund and that king?" he asks.

"They will be fine too. They've been in worse situations."

The Secret Warrior (Edmund Pevensie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now