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"Oh no.." Green whispered.

"What is it?" Juane asks.

"Remember when I said we'll be reacting to the day that I cried on?" Green asks, getting nods from some of the Remnants. "We'll be reacting to that."

'I thought I had more time, but this is pure dumb luck.'  Green sneered as he thought he wouldn't do this. He then looks at the people he had summoned and sigh. "But before we'll react to that, I will tell you this, there will be horror in these videos that I'm about to show you, including a tribute to this dark day." he warned them.

"Well, it can't be worse than what you made us watch right?" Pyrrha asks, only for Green to be completely silent. this cause many to look around wearily as Green always answered their questions, albeit trying to deny something.

(Just pretend they all watch it in silence.)

No one could have said what they were seeing, many of them, except for a small few, were crying.

"Why would they do that?" Blake muttered. "Just why?"

"It's because they thought they were 'noble' and 'just'." Green spat out, venom coursing through every word. "They fanatically believed that they were in the right that there was no low for them to cross. which is ironic because they Rape, Kill, and so much more, they did those things to every man, woman and child. And they call themselves 'noble'." he ranted before looking at the Fang members in the theater. "And know this, for ALL of you, if you do that, I'll make sure the DARKEST PIT of Hell awaits you when, not IF, WHEN you die, so don't keep the Devil waiting."  he growled while emphasizing the when.

"What was the reason?" Ironwood asks in anger.

"They said that they were oppressed by the US. which I laugh at because there were people of their OWN Religion living there at the time of the attack. When the school of said religion saw what was happening, they were in complete shock." He revealed. "They were finding an excuse for when the US join a side of a war that happen decades ago. and the worst part of it all, some were cheering at the attack. And they have the GALL to say that if you convert into their religion, they will forgive them. That just made them even more pissed."

"Who was this groups leader?" Sennia asks.

"Osma bin Ladan was the perpetrator of 9/11 and leader of Al-Qaeda. they were responsible for what happen. and ten years later, a SEAL team, think of them of Atlas specialist, found his hideout and killed him. So, this will be a warning to ALL of you who think yourself as superior, no matter how powerful you are, how many men you have, or claim yourself to be gods, remember this; there's always a bigger fish. And if you pissed them off like what they did, they would not stop hunting until your captured or dead." Green warns everyone in the room, mainly to Raven, the white fang, and Salem.

"And would they do if I may be so bold." Watts asks, to which Green smirks.

"Well, the US military is composed of five separated branches, six if you count a branch from the Homeland security. and they are the Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, Coast Guard-that's the one from homeland security- and." Green paused for the effect as he captured the attention of everyone. "Space force." He revealed.

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted.

"Yes, they have a space force. and before you ask why it's the same as the dust question." Green reminded them. "And their nicknames are, soldiers, eagles, astros, leviathan, and Devil Dogs."

"I know some of them, but what are astros and Devil Dogs?" Ironwood asks.

"Astros are short for astronauts, simply men in space. and Devil Dogs are basically a Beowulf, just-." Green was about to say more but the least matured were laughing.

"So, basically there just cannon fodder." Nora giggled but not before seeing Greens Piss off look, quickly making the least matured to shut up.

"Before you interrupted me, I was about to say that they are eighty times worse than a normal Beowulf." Green states. "The ferociousness of a Devil dog can- and will- scare the strongest soldier, there was a story during the first great war about the marines, one soldier described them as that, ordered by the devil himself to claim their very souls." he explains causing many people turn white as a sheet. Green then looks away before turning his back against them.

"So, head my warning and don't even TRY to piss them off, for they might hold themselves back, but if you blatantly disregard for the innocents, be ready for when the Sleeping Giants awaking. The last time when someone disturbs it's slumber." Green stop before chuckling for a moment. "Well, let's just say that two suns where born." this made everyone shudder as they thought about it. 

"But that's about it for this. Now, let's see what we ha-." Green stops himself when he looks at what's next.


(AN: Never forget)

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