Intermission 1

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(Sorry for the LONG delay, I was working on two new books and Schoolwork)

"Well, what did you guys think of the reactions you saw?" Ant asks.

"Well, the songs were pretty Cathy." Ruby began.

"Especially the one where they made fun of Atlas." Yang spoke, causing many of the more serious ones to groan.

"Of course you say that." Weiss mumbles.

"That rap you three did was pretty good. I say you did put those two in their place." Roman stated.

"Speaking of which, where is Green?" Blake asks the two authors.

"He said that he was doing something right now, maybe taking a break or something." Sith answered.

"You guys have breaks as well?" Ruby asks.

"Of course! It's gets boring after a while if you sit and watch and write all day long, you need a break too." Ant explains.

"Aw, and I thought you Watchers were fun." Nora whines.

"Oh, we can be fun. It's where we put that can make humorous to others." Sith stated.

Suddenly, they hear a Whoosh sound behind the two Watchers. When they turn to look, they see Green, with his eyes watered, looking like he has been crying for hours.

"Whoa, you okay, man?" Ant asks in concern.

"Yeah, what happened to you?" Sith also questioned.

"Just a reunion, guys, nothing bad happened." Green assured the two of them as memories of his time with his Grandparents came back.

"What reunion?" Ant asks his friend.

"A long waited one." Green replied cryptically.

Suddenly, a man in a comedy mask with a business suit came in with two black forest cakes.

"I got the deserts-." The man begins in a British accent only to see the people in the Breakroom. He then looks at Green whit the comedy turned into tragedy. "I thought there was no one here, Boss." He whined to Green.

"Sorry about that Jester." Green apologized. "By the way, did you brought them back to their universe, or am I going to take those cakes you have?" He asks.

Jester was shocked at his bosses' words. "I-what- these were made by 5130 themselves! I brought them back as you ordered. Thank goodness that Alexan-" Jester began to rant until Green put his hand on Jester's masks.

"They know." Green simply stated. But before Jester can explain himself, Green just took the Black Forest Cake and summons a knife. "Now Jester, I told you we'll be having two pieces of these cakes. And now we are going to share it." Green said as he cut the Cake into smaller and even pieces.

"Who's he?" Ruby asks as she, as well as everyone is confused.

"Ah, I forgot that you were here for a moment. This man here used to be Fredrick Ethan. But now goes by the name Jester. He used to be a Lion before I needed an Assistant. I won't spoil much but I can give these two a hint." Green introduced his Assistant before pointing at the two Watchers as well.

"So, who is he?" Sith ask.

"Well..." Green began before leaning towards the two and whispered something to them. After he was done, their eyes widened.

"You mean to tell me he's from-" Ant began before Green hold his pointer on Ant's mouth.

"Now, now, Ant. We can't spoil a Surprise coming. Won't we?" Green asks before looking at the two. "Now, who wants cake?" Green asks the Reactants. "I know there's not much, but you can summon any food with the cake while your here."

"Me!" Nora and Yang exclaims as they got the first pieces. Soon almost everyone had a piece of the Black Forest Cake, and their eyes widen by the taste.

"This had to be made by a talented chief in the world." Wiess stated as she continues to eat the cake.

"That it is. It's from SCP 5031, the one who made it." Green answered, causing Sith and Ant to choke on the cake they have.

"SCP 5031!?!" They both yelled.

"Who's that?" Yang asks.

"Not who, What." Green correct before looking at them as he finishes. "It is in another universe entirely, at first it was just named another murder monster, but later, it has become a renowned chief. And Jester here had brought its deserts here. I had a bit of a sweet tooth when I was in here. So, I asks Jester to bring the group back to their home after a rupture there, and in return, I would have two pieces of the Black Forest Cake." He explained.

"And you should've told me that we would have visitors here." Jester growled, not before Green looked at him like this.

"Do you really want to be transformed into a rabbit again?" Green asks, causing Jester mask to turn into one of Horror

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"Do you really want to be transformed into a rabbit again?" Green asks, causing Jester mask to turn into one of Horror.

"Nope I'm fine boss." Jester immediately stated as he does not want to have a repeat of what happened.

"What did he do?" Ironwood asks.

"Just Abused his powers a little, and also being a smartass." Green said as he continues to look at Jester. "By the way, aren't you supposed to return by now."

Jester then looks at his stopwatch and gasped at the time. "Well, you look at that I need to get going. also, We'll meet again Readers and Watchers!" Jester said as he left the Breakroom.

"Did he just-?" Sith began only for Green to nod his head.

"I accidently give him that. So, be ready for some songs he took when the book is out." Green stated to Sith and Ant.

After everyone was finished eating the cake and any food they summoned. they were having a relaxation Until Geen said It's time to head back to the Theater.

(Sorry it's a little short, just everything that is happening to me these past couple of days have hit hard on me. I might stop the books I am doing until I'm certain I'm good. Anyways, See you on the Next one.)

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