American invasions theory Pt 1

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"Well what are we reacting now?" Ozpin ask Green after their break.

"We are reacting to a theory." Green said, making the Remnants to look at him confused.

"What theory?" Watts questioned.

"The theory of what if the Americans be invaded by an opposing force." Green revealed.

"What?!?" Everyone except the authors shouted at the same time.

"Oh, there are so many theories and plans on many things. One of them is Con Plan 8888 from the U.S. themselves." Green said nonchalantly.

"What is Con Plan 8888?" Ghaira asks.

"Literally a plan to fight zombies." Sith deadpans.

"Really?" Sienna asks confused.

"Yes, they have a plan for that. Of course, there many Con plans for literally anything but those are classified. 8888 is the only one that is public knowledge." Ant said.

(An: I'm not making that up. It's real. I'll even put it at the end to show you.)

After everyone processed the information that the U.S. literally fights zombies.

It's the Early 1980s and over the skies of the American heartland, Soviet and Cuban paratroopers begin to fall from the sky.

the Narrator began saying as images of the Soviets and Cuban paratroopers parachuted down from plans overhead.

In minutes thousands communist invaders have gain a foothold in the very heart of America, and with World War III in full swing, it's up to a band of plucky teenager to fight a guerilla war against the Godless Commies.

As the Narrator continues on, we see Soviets and Cuban troops building up camps then shows an American General with two American soldiers -both teenagers- hiding in the woods

this shocks all people in the theater as they saw the invasion happening as the Narrator said.

"I thought you said we were watching a Theory!" Qrow Scream out

"We are." Green Answered. "This is what theorist begin if they want to talk about what will happen and the pros and cons of it."

"But still." Ozpin began. "As Qrow said, this is a little bit-"

"Brutal?" Sith question Ozpin to which he nodded. "It's supposed to be brutal because how can you explain it?"

"Mr. Green?" Ruby asks to which Green looks at her "Who are the Soviets and Cubans?"

"The Soviets, also known as the Soviet Union, USSR, Russians and Reds are one of the enemies of the Americans had to face off, but they never attack each other directly because they would've wipe each other out. So, they were stuck in a cold war between ideology. the Americans believe in Capitalism, which is privately own companies competing against one another and having private property because of what I told you the last time. Do you all remember what I said?

"They believe in Freedom of Speech and Religion, right?" Illia asks, to which Green nodded.

 "That's correct, Illia. While the Americans believe that the Soviets believe in Communism, which everything is owned by the state or kingdom. there are pros and cons on both sides, but Communism has a lot of cons that outweigh the pros." Green continued.

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