The Remnant past; trailer and Atlie

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The scene opens up with the destruction of all the major cities of Earth. Where people are heard screaming to get away as storms, tsunamis, and many natural disasters happening all at once since Luna was destroyed.

The people of Remnant, minus Tyrian who was looking at the chaos in glee, where shock at what they were seeing.

"What happened?" Ironwood ask in shock.

"The end of their world. They have prophesied this from their religion. It have many names, Ragnarok, Judgement day, Armageddon. But the most common one to the survivors was the Great Collapse." Green explained.

Many on the hero's side have a sense of guilt that entered their hearts, even some on the villains side begin to have sorrow in their hearts. Tyrian was sad because he didn't even get chance to fight them while Cinder smirk.

'so their out of the picture, good.' Cinder thought in her head but Green notice this.

'oh she will hate this.' Green thought.

'Only the strong survive.' Raven and Vernal thought in their head.

I won't just survive.

after many hours the disasters have ceased. billions of people dead, and continents warping at a rapid pace before stopping on what was called latter remnant.

"Wait a minute, THAT'S US!" Ruby shouted in shock getting the attention of the villains and heros.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted before looking at Green.

"It's true, on that Remnant it was Earth." He states to them.

"How did-" Ozpin tried to say. Before Green interrupted.

"It's because the tectonic plates of the Earth shifted so hard it became what it is now." He explained.

"So that Remnant is Earth? Huh, didn't saw that one coming." Qrow said as he begin to have his drink.

Oh, you will see me thrive

two continents north and south America survived the Collapse and we as time passes becomes summing new and more advance

Cinder and some of the villains jaws dropped when they saw the two continents still having the same form.

"Are you kidding me?!?" Cinder yelled.

"Nope!" Green said while popping the 'P'.

"May I asks why they didn't shift like the rest?" Glynda asks Green.

"The tectonic plates on their side were in their dormant stage and were underwater. While this did save the majority of continents, it did not help with the coastal cities and islands that were on it." Green explained.

"Wait, continents? As in more than one?" Oobleck asks.

"Yes both are North and South America. While having the same last name, it's kind of similar to Vale and Vacuo in terms of ethics."

The Remnants all nodded at that. That big of a continent could have different groups going on.

Can't write my story

People are protesting in the streets to take out the oligarchs with the military backing them up later we see the oligarchs line up with the soldiers loyal to them about to be executed

The Remnants were shock at the people taking down what looks like their council.

"Why did they do THAT?!" Ironwood shouted.

"It  was the fact that their council betrayed them when they told the council to step down." Green said before explaining further. "The apocalypse you saw earlier was the main reason that their council exists, they were trying to rebuild the two continents into their former glory. The people were mad at first but they promised that they were going to be back where they were after reconstruction was complete. That took over 50 years. And when the People demand the council to step down, they refused because the power corrupted them. The ones who want to step down survived though."

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