Chapter 141 - 142

Start from the beginning

Under the sun, this scene is both cruel and beautiful, but what makes people admirable is the power and magnificence contained in it. The cheers are like a spring, suddenly sounding in the silence. I don't know if it was for Luo Yingbai's intimidating arrow or Xia Xianning's ice spell.

Xia Xianning didn't care about these anymore, and after a successful blow, she quickly turned around and went downstairs, running towards where Luo Yingbai was.

Luo Yingbai threw down the long bow and didn't even bother to pick up the knife that fell downstairs. He only felt that his eyes were going black for a while, and he quickly held on to the window sill beside him as if nothing had happened.

After he came out of the underworld, his damaged vitality had not been repaired. He could usually use some small spells, but he had used too much energy just now, and Xia Xianning was nervous. At this time, the storm subsided, and he felt that his eyes were going black.

After Xia Xianning hurried over, she held him back and said nervously, "Are you all right?"

Luo Yingbai pushed Xia Xianning away, and said with a smile: "I didn't ride a broken bird to fly in the sky, what could be the matter? Why don't you hurry up and wash your face, I feel dizzy looking at this bloody body."

The two of them talked and returned to the office. Luo Yingbai adjusted his breath, and Xia Xianning directly rinsed his hair and face with cold water, took off his blood-stained clothes and threw them into the trash can, and touched his forehead: " How do you feel now?"

Luo Yingbai said: "It's okay."

Seeing that his complexion has improved, Xia Xianning felt a little relieved, casually found a new piece of clothes to put on, and said to Luo Yingbai: "I'll go find Peng Xuan, I put a restraint on him, and he will sense it when he gets close."

When Xia Xianning said this, a very strange thought flashed in Luo Yingbai's mind - they were all from the same family, and Peng Xuan definitely felt that Xia Xianning had banned him, so why did he still take such a big risk? What's the risk, and how could he mobilize so many troops to escape?

There was no time to think too much at the moment. No matter what the reason was, the person had to be arrested. Luo Yingbai nodded and said, "Okay, I'll rest assured if you go catch him, I won't follow him."

Xia Xianning stopped changing her clothes and looked up at him: "You want to go to my house?"

Luo Yingbai said: "Zhu Linya has killed people and provoked ghosts to take revenge. Such a person is currently living with your grandfather. I am really worried. Go back and have a look."

Xia Xianning murmured, "That's fine."

He hugged Luo Yingbai, with a serious face: "Be careful too."

Luo Yingbai smiled and said: "Of course, I'm just looking for the wind direction, let's go."

Xia Xianning went to chase Peng Xuan, while Luo Yingbai returned to Xia's house, only to find that Uncle Xia and his family were no longer in the old house. He hurriedly asked where the three servants who opened the door for him were going, and the man thought for a while before saying:

"Other people don't know. I only heard the third lady asking the driver to take her to the old house. I didn't know what she was going to do."

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