Chapter 121 People's hearts, ghosts' hearts

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Xiao Meng couldn't figure out how Feng Zhengyang suddenly disappeared. In fact, the reason was very simple—he was put into the trunk of the car by Feng Zhengdong.

Feng Zhengdong drove out, and the police officer responsible for surveillance could only see him in the car. Since he was not a subject that needed to be monitored, he did not pay more attention to Feng Zhengdong, allowing him to transport Feng Zhengyang away smoothly. .

In the past few days, Feng Zhengyang has been in a bad mood. This depressed mood was initially triggered by Wen Qianqian's death, followed by a series of scandals, the collapse of shares and other events, which made Feng Zhengyang anxious and felt that he was almost in trouble. Got neurasthenia.

He was already very tired during the day, but he still had nightmares at night. The content of the dream was the same over and over again, the dream was pale, without any horrible and bloody scenes, but it seemed to be more terrifying than any dream.

In his dreams, Feng Zhengyang always hears a young girl's voice calling his name, which sounds a bit like Wen Qianqian, but it sounds different if you look closely. There is white in front of him, and white around him, so he is in a world that is close to nothingness. In his pale state, he heard a voice calling his name slowly and repeatedly.

There is no end, no place to dodge, this feeling can drive people crazy. After a few days, Feng Zhengyang was exhausted mentally and physically, and he was not even that sad about Wen Qianqian's death.

After all, no matter how much he likes Wen Qianqian, his life must still come first. He really wants to know who the person calling his name in the dream is.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhengyang sighed. He threw a pile of financial reports on the table and asked his family helper to call Chang Weiyu over.

In order to prevent others from using Chang Weiyu against him, Feng Zhengyang only allowed him to move under his nose. Chang Weiyu came soon. Feng Zhengyang leaned on the chair and said tiredly: "You give me Rub your temples.”

Chang Weiyu walked over obediently, pressed him for a while, and then asked in a low voice hesitantly: "Mr. Feng, I... when can I leave here?"

Feng Zhengyang opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said calmly: "It turns out that when Qianqian was alive, you tried every means to hope that you could stay with me for a few more days. What happened now? After I let you move in, what did you think? Are you feeling guilty if you leave?"

Chang Weiyu laughed and said: "How is that possible? That's not what I meant. It's just that a lot of things have happened recently. My agent said that he would help me contact a talk show to participate, so that I can explain it to the fans... Mr. Feng , I will still be acting after all, right?"

Feng Zhengyang closed his eyes again, enjoying Chang Weiyu's massage, and said: "Not now, it is because our news is on the cusp, so you can't go out, in case you say something wrong, or send another letter Do you still think I’m not miserable enough now for unexpected events like laying flowers?”

What he said was too selfish, he didn't care about Chang Weiyu's life or death at all, Chang Weiyu was holding his breath, and couldn't fall out with Feng Zhengyang, so he had to say: "I will never talk nonsense..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Zhengyang listened impatiently. He just felt a sense of irritation welling up in his chest. He wanted to roar loudly, smash things, and even more wanted to abuse the person in front of him and hear his screams.

Feng Zhengyang knew that he had committed another problem. He was always smiling in front of others, but he was manic and out of control behind others. This time, he was repeatedly stimulated and his mood became even more unstable, so he did not hold back and dragged Chang Weiyu over and threw him on the sofa. , I also rushed over.

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